

MuscleChemistry Guru
i just saw ready jets in 1mex.... :-)

for next xmas i want a case of those ... havent seen one in person in
years. anyone still use them?? i know their top dollor anywhere you find them
i had some about two years ago, some deca in glass rig ready to go, good as hell too
Never had one but had a buddy who got some when he was in afghanistan. He tried to bring some back and they got seized.
I live about 30 minutes away from an unlimeted supply!

But nowTJ banned buying meds from pharmacies without script.

The only thing that was worth a shit was the sust-250 tho. Everything else was dosed wayyyyy to low. Deca at 50mg/ml etc.
^lol that they were^ I think they come with an 18-19 gauge pin. I think I still have the puncture wounds to prove it!
^lol that they were^ I think they come with an 18-19 gauge pin. I think I still have the puncture wounds to prove it!

LMAO, I almost brought myself to pin a 19g the other day because I didn't have anything else, but I just waited until my buddy got back the next day. I did that one time and I REALLY don't want to do it again
lol those were the my first experience with pinning so after that, everything else was as easy as pie. Not a bad way to start out really...set the bar so damn high and then ease off a little. Once you get a regular pin you feel grateful
I haven't had any since the mid 90's. I always back loaded a 23 guage though. That harpoon fricken scared me. I watched blood run down my buddies ass after a stick with one of those. They were even a little hard to get back then. The mules didn't like to bring them over becasue their size. A few of those is a BIG ole sack full. Expecially compared to amps of sten, primotest, etc. They were definatley the best mexican stuff I have ever done.
