Reagan/Obama (Just to give Ch3no a stroke lol oh an a few others as well)

The problem is that it doesn't account for the MASSIVE swell in Welfare and BS disability payrolls. It also doesn't account for those that DO NOT receive unemployment benefits. As to your question, YES The Dept of Labor's numbers are lies. The President has lied numerous times. The NSA illegally spies on the citizens of this country. The IRS illegally targets groups that it chooses. According to The Dept Of Labor we are at 6% unemployment. Speak to 100 random citizens and you will find no less than 20% are unemployed. You are choosing what statistics to believe. I know that less than 47% of the citizens in the Country support the entire nation. That information was also released by Government Agencies and was a platform for a Candidate at the most recent election...

I'd like to add to this for all the superrrrrrr Right wingers with the stats of 50% of people dont pay taxes shit, that is bullshit. Yet most rep's believe that. Take you and 3 of your friends at a party one night and see if 2 of them don't pay taxes, its complete lie bullshit.
All time high Debt(150 Trillion). All time record high people on Food Stamps. All time High Student loan debt(more than all credit card debt at 1 Trillion). All time high percentage of population with Bachelors Degree. Smallest workforce since 1978. I'd say the Feds and Obama are doing a bang up job.

Cloward and Piven hard at work...

The issue with this is NO accountability for the terms before him. Bush's admin left him a plate of shit. ANALOGY TIME:
You can do heroin every day for 8 months and month 9 you get a new girl friend and stop.
You have withdraws, is that the new gf's fault?
you have tremors and seizures and you now lost your job bc it all finally caught up to you, is that the new gf's fault?
You finally got fired from your absences from months 2-8 and got fired on month 9, is that the new gf's fault??????
NO it's the aftermath of a bunch of shit.
Now what pisses me off is everyone singles out Obama, but realistically it's him, it's all the people at the top now, and it's the previous administration, and all those wall street in the treasure pricks too.
Bush ruined many things for us, the patriot act raped us, brought a surplus into a huge deficit, spent 1680 dollars a SECOND on war, so point more than one finger friend bc no one in politics gives a fuck about you or anyone you know.
The issue with this is NO accountability for the terms before him. Bush's admin left him a plate of shit. ANALOGY TIME:
You can do heroin every day for 8 months and month 9 you get a new girl friend and stop.
You have withdraws, is that the new gf's fault?
you have tremors and seizures and you now lost your job bc it all finally caught up to you, is that the new gf's fault?
You finally got fired from your absences from months 2-8 and got fired on month 9, is that the new gf's fault??????
NO it's the aftermath of a bunch of shit.
Now what pisses me off is everyone singles out Obama, but realistically it's him, it's all the people at the top now, and it's the previous administration, and all those wall street in the treasure pricks too.
Bush ruined many things for us, the patriot act raped us, brought a surplus into a huge deficit, spent 1680 dollars a SECOND on war, so point more than one finger friend bc no one in politics gives a fuck about you or anyone you know.

not sure I follow this, Obama basically did what Bush did-same shit diff face and name

the Patriot Act compared to the NDAA??? they go hand in hand and the NDAA is worse

Wall Street? that's 90% of the people that he has finacing his campaign...

he took that plate of shit and ate it with a smile on his face-Bush Obama I don't care who's in office they are all the same


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look that up on urban dictionary if you don't know the meaning
I'd like to add to this for all the superrrrrrr Right wingers with the stats of 50% of people dont pay taxes shit, that is bullshit. Yet most rep's believe that. Take you and 3 of your friends at a party one night and see if 2 of them don't pay taxes, its complete lie bullshit.

Well of course I don't hang out with dead beats. I can pick you up and take you to neighborhood after neighborhood completely filled with people that don't pay taxes. Literally....
There are NUMEROUS sources that will confirm the FACT that only 47% of the people in this country actually fund it.
Obama=Bush except worse. No difference except he expanded Bushs bad fiscal policies after campaigning he'd reduce the deficit and balance a budget. Obama fan boys always want to make excuses for Obama and they typically always point to Bush.
No Bush did not care about us, but Obama wants to see us all as slaves that get on rugs everyday at noon and pray to him
not sure I follow this, Obama basically did what Bush did-same shit diff face and name

the Patriot Act compared to the NDAA??? they go hand in hand and the NDAA is worse

Wall Street? that's 90% of the people that he has finacing his campaign...

he took that plate of shit and ate it with a smile on his face-Bush Obama I don't care who's in office they are all the same


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look that up on urban dictionary if you don't know the meaning

That is part of what I have said 100 times, they are the same, neither one is for you. However people that hate Obama are the same people who supported Bush, and that makes zero sense to me.

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Obama=Bush except worse. No difference except he expanded Bushs bad fiscal policies after campaigning he'd reduce the deficit and balance a budget. Obama fan boys always want to make excuses for Obama and they typically always point to Bush.

I said point the finger at more than one. (obviously meaning this and last admin)
Well of course I don't hang out with dead beats. I can pick you up and take you to neighborhood after neighborhood completely filled with people that don't pay taxes. Literally....
There are NUMEROUS sources that will confirm the FACT that only 47% of the people in this country actually fund it.

people pay taxes on everything, food, gas, running a business, a car bought for the 9th time etc
No.. They don't... Did you know that many actually receive more money on their "return" than they pay in?? Much more... Also were is the food tax when you use an EBT card? What about welfare income...
Let's say you pay $200 in taxes on gas and $200 in taxes working 6 weeks at McDonalds and then get a $12,000 return?? Did you pay taxes?? No... Like I said.. I can take you to entire neighborhoods where this is reality for every single person. When you get more out than you paid in you aren't paying or "contributing"
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No.. They don't... Did you know that many actually receive more money on their "return" than they pay in?? Much more... Also were is the food tax when you use an EBT card? What about welfare income...
Let's say you pay $200 in taxes on gas and $200 in taxes working 6 weeks at McDonalds and then get a $12,000 return?? Did you pay taxes?? No... Like I said.. I can take you to entire neighborhoods where this is reality for every single person. When you get more out than you paid in you aren't paying or "contributing"

You really think people getting out more than they made will just go scott free forever? The IRS wont catch that shit? I still can't believe a percentage like 47% . I know there are people who get away with what you are saying, for a few years, than they are fucked. The IRS doesn't lose, they aren't good at losing. If you get unemployment now you even get taxed on that. I also know there are single parents that get schooling/kid care/ wic for free, but again 47% is way too much for an amount that is paying NO tax, maybe not some taxes but NO tax I can't buy that from almost half the nation. If it were so easy there would be google instructions, and we'd all do it. I usually get about 33% of my taxes back that the Govt stole from me, and that's with 2 kid credits, house deduction, work expense deductions, student loan interest, property, student supplies, a car depreciation etc. So That's me paying 67% of total income tax collected (both of us claim zero, so it's a lot) Than taxes on cars, gas, water bill, electricity, phones, food, fucking water ways, schools etc.
Bro, the example I gave is not fraudulent. It's earned income credit, credit for having 9 dependents, etc. Its not a scam. It's how this country works. This isn't an argument, this is me enlightening you to the facts of the cost of entitlement in this country. I'm sure you know someone that does taxes Bro. Just ask them. This isn't something I'm guessing at or was told. This is something I've seen and have had in depth exposure too. Do you know that alcoholism is a disability in this country? $1100 a month...
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Metal you are naive to think that there are not entire generations of people who are on Section 8, EBT, Snap, Obamaphone and do not pay a dime in Federal income tax and come every April they NET money and are in effect making money from the tax payers.

When you live in Section 8 you dont pay property taxes, when you shop for food with an EBT card you do not pay taxes. When you have an Obamaphone you dont pay all those taxes on your cell phone bill.

I know the Dude is not talking about tax fraud, he's talking about people who are getting paid by the Federal Govt to sit home and not work.

Also as a percentage of the population the Workforce of the country out of the 310 Million in the population is ONLY 145 Million. So yes less than half the population is working. Now of those not all in effect pay taxes because there is a percentage of the 145 Million that do net money back every April. Now the 165 Million that do not work are the under 18 and retired people on Social Security ect or Disabled. So the Minority that do work pay the way for the Majority that do not work.
I think Obama is behind this epically cold and snowy winter we are having. He is selectively freezing the south where most of his opposition resides. We have to stop this conspiracy! Who's with me?!!
I dont see Obama as the direct enemy, as its really 99% of Congress that is the enemy just the same as him. I see very little to ZERO difference in the Rep and Dem parties. The republicans are just as complicit as Obama. Its just easy to point a finger at Obama because he is the President.
I dont see Obama as the direct enemy, as its really 99% of Congress that is the enemy just the same as him. I see very little to ZERO difference in the Rep and Dem parties. The republicans are just as complicit as Obama. Its just easy to point a finger at Obama because he is the President.
If Obama wants something changed he simply executive orders it, not that all Presidents havent. The guy worries me...
Bro, the example I gave is not fraudulent. It's earned income credit, credit for having 9 dependents, etc. Its not a scam. It's how this country works. This isn't an argument, this is me enlightening you to the facts of the cost of entitlement in this country. I'm sure you know someone that does taxes Bro. Just ask them. This isn't something I'm guessing at or was told. This is something I've seen and have had in depth exposure too. Do you know that alcoholism is a disability in this country? $1100 a month...

I like to drink, let's all get on that then
Metal you are naive to think that there are not entire generations of people who are on Section 8, EBT, Snap, Obamaphone and do not pay a dime in Federal income tax and come every April they NET money and are in effect making money from the tax payers.

When you live in Section 8 you dont pay property taxes, when you shop for food with an EBT card you do not pay taxes. When you have an Obamaphone you dont pay all those taxes on your cell phone bill.

I know the Dude is not talking about tax fraud, he's talking about people who are getting paid by the Federal Govt to sit home and not work.

Also as a percentage of the population the Workforce of the country out of the 310 Million in the population is ONLY 145 Million. So yes less than half the population is working. Now of those not all in effect pay taxes because there is a percentage of the 145 Million that do net money back every April. Now the 165 Million that do not work are the under 18 and retired people on Social Security ect or Disabled. So the Minority that do work pay the way for the Majority that do not work.

I'm not naive, I stated I know some people do it, I said I do not believe the 47%.
310 mil ppl and only 145 are working would equate to 47% working, leaving 53% that doesn't work correct? and out of that 53% that doesn't work only 6% of them pay taxes? I don't believe it. All the geriatrics on pensions alone would make this a good argument. How many people are retired right now? And if they are getting social security they paid in to, and when they spend money it's taxed. In some cases the social security is also taxed.

---According to the September 2013 statistics released by the Social Security Administration, you are now in the company of 39,313,000 individuals aged 65 or older receiving Social Security benefits. As a general rule, Social Security benefits are not taxable if they are your only source of income during a year. But if you have investment income or earned income, then up to 85 percent of your Social Security benefits may be taxable, depending on your filing status and the amount of the income.

The truth is that we have been slowly drifting away from the ideals of the constitution since the ink on it has dried. The past century has seen the most significant changes in our government, and its movement away from aligning with the constitution. We have allowed ourselves to become convinced that the constitution and bill of rights outline our rights as citizens, but exactly the opposite is true. We are permitted to do as we please. Free will is our God given right from birth. The constitution dictates what rights the government has. You have the right to kill someone, and based on the constitution the government has the right to imprison and hold a trial for that killing. We have to remember that we give them those rights, not them giving us the rights.
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When companies are allowed to have the same volume and fire half the staff even though they are "non profit organization" while the CEO gets over 4 million dollars when they LEAVE... It doesn't really help the unemployment rate. I know a ton of Radiographers that need work, and would be working if the jobs were there. I know Our numbers went up by 5% in 2013 than they fired 45% of our staff, creating horrible patient care, long waits, unsafe situations for workers and patients.
This is the things I see that irritate the shit out of me. The need for jobs is there, the revenue is there, however it's trending to make the executives more money and having less workers. This has been well documented as well.
Ch3no other than your opinion of "it's there company so they should be able to make how ever much they want", how do you feel about this? especially in health-care? In my eyes it's the peoples company when it is health care, not a non-medical cock in a tie.
I think this is a horrible thing that has been going on, and it continues to get worse.
I bet my ball sack that nationally (and soon) you will see in hospital careers - no more cert pay (extra pay for certifications, you earned through education and expenses), no more shift differential (who the hell wants to work 7pm-730am with no extra pay???), and no holiday pay. Also patient ratios will go up (how many patients per Nurse/staff) Which means I hope you don't care about anyone who is or will be sick and or injured.
Some of these things are already being seen in certain part of the countries and it is very pertinent to this whole thing, specified to healthcare , which accounts for a ton of jobs in this Country.