Real Myostatin Inhibitors Available


Staff member
Well I have access to real Myostatin inhibitors produced in rabbits or someshit like that, its not some fake shit, or some shit on a sources list or some bullshit out of china, but from a real stateside company that bio-engineers this stuff!

Anyhow now that I have explained that it is 100% real, my next question is who would actualy try this stuff knowing its legit and not some shit the supplement companys try to sell to us.

It kind of scares me to take the plunge, but im intrigued to say the least! and the price is very reasonable (in the hundreds $)

just curious who would actualy try it
realy? i mean u realy thought about it, i mean what if it didnt somehow got stuck and instead of inhibiting the myostatin gene it actualy shut it off, and you wouldnt have any type of muscle shut off, so in theory u would grow muscle endlessly or until it killed ya,lol
They did the studies on the babies that have it shut off & they are super strong & lean

well i know whats going to happen, I am going to most likly buy some, and it will sit in my fridge forever cause im a pussy
around $400 but im unsure of how long it inhibits myostatin for, lol, I guess thats a big question that i might want to know first ay? lmao

yeah lol 400 bucks for 5 days lmao or for a year maybe ;)
yeah lol 400 bucks for 5 days lmao or for a year maybe ;)

well defiantly want and need more then 5 days,lmao, and it would be quite a great deal if it was enough to shut it off for a year, however a year is way way too long, i would look like this below if it was a whole year
well defiantly want and need more then 5 days,lmao, and it would be quite a great deal if it was enough to shut it off for a year, however a year is way way too long, i would look like this below if it was a whole year

An old pudgy guy with a bald head? lmao
around $400 but im unsure of how long it inhibits myostatin for, lol, I guess thats a big question that i might want to know first ay? lmao

Even just 2 months would be well worth it!! Keep us and especially me informed! I'll do it!
I know they would be great but really how much of a difference do you think they would make ini a certain amount of time frame?