Real Myostatin Inhibitors Available

True. I doubt it would happen, too, given the way things work in the body, but being that these substances are untested, we don't know the effects they can have. The virus vector FS-344 has been rumored in some strange cases out there on the web with some experiments on humans where the subject grew massive, couldn't stop growing and died just from not being able to handle all that mass. Well, those are just rumors so who knows. I really wish they would get the research moving on these substances.
well sounds like there is some new good things comming. I would be willing to try a single item or a combination of them to see what would happen. Just tracking down a legit source would be the thing. If you have one drop me a note. I be much obliged. I will post all finding and results here. Also looking into doing one combined with some aas to see the results as well.
Anti-myostatin antibodies would only have a limited utility until the anti-idiotypic antibody network caught up with them. That is, the body would make "antibodies against the antibodies"...But that first run would probably work pretty well if combined with IGF, AAS, etc.
October 5, 2012

All these comments back in 2010/2011 and now nothing. These guys must have given up or died away. Seriously, is there another thread about this?
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From what I have heard Myostatin inhibitors can get very expensive. Me and my buddies have ordered real HGH from a company at a very reasonable price. it got to my house without any problems and if anybody is looking to order growth I would check it out.

Heres the link

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