Really irritating!!!!!


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Ok, so I got this friend that everytime someone is training a person he always interupts to add his own advice to what the trainer or even me is teeling their client. 1st thing, he isn't a trainer nor does he really know anything about trainig. 2nd, he's very annoying if you don't know how to take him since he really belive's he know's all there is to know about training. And 3rd, half the advice he gives is totaly opposite of what me or any other trainer is tellin/teachn our clients. Don't get me wrong, he is a nice guy but I can't handle much more and neither can the trainers at the Y. I geuss having a subcription to flex makes you a certified PT.
I dunno which is worse....that guy or walking around and actually hearing a trainer giving wrong or bad advice and biting your tongue.