Recent hysterectomy...interactions between depo shots and anavar?


New member
Hi a 29 year old female who recently had a hysterectomy. I was planning, after i was completely healed, to run a cycle of var but i was told by my gyn that i will need depo shots as a preventative for future surgeries dealing with endometriosis. My question is basically will the shots make the var ineffective? If it will i wont waste my time or money on it. Any info is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Depo provera. Aka the birth control shot. Apparently this shot has healing/preventative effects on endometriosis which was discovered during my hysterectomy. I go for my follow up appointment sometime next week so hopefully i will know more about why she has chosen this medicinal route for me. I was able to keep my ovaries so obviously its not a hormonal issue.
Hi sautin,


Sounds like either Depo Provera or Lupron Depo. Correct?

Anavar was originally created for aids patients to counter the effects of poor appetite and muscle wasting.

Depo Provera is a birth control drug. I don't think you will have any issues using oxandrolone.

Lupron Depo on the other hand decreases ALL sex hormones so this is a good question for review by some more experienced members.

Don't be afraid to call an endocrinologist and get an official answer.
Test quest your the man, good advice.

but yes need more details of goals, current bf weight etc. but mainly goals to achieve. With var women should only take max of 20mg/day. Which is good dose for a women, you shouldn't expirience any varilization and if you do emediatly stop use of.

Diet and work out hard the var with give you some results in the way of Toning up the body but still remain smooth. Diet for women I believe to be most important in achieving
Thanks so much for responding!!!! Currently I'm 138 lbs. At 5'6". I would ideally like to get down to about 120-125 lbs. I'm mainly going for muscle definition. As of now i have very little definition. Mainly just in my back and shoulder areas, which I think is mainly genetic. I did find out that I only should need one round of the depo provera shot which I have taken. I'm on my 3rd week out from my surgery so I have roughly 3 weeks left before I can hit the gym. Normally I train weights 3 times a week. On the other days I do cardio. When i was training i was on the ketosis diet which did help me shed a lot of body fat. I'm hoping the var will help shed the remaining excess fat that I have. I am quite curvy, thick legs for sure. I'm hoping the var will help me to get my strength up too. Thanks again for all the help! Any other suggestions are welcome :)