Reconstitution: The easiest way to understand it


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Reconstitution: The easiest way to understand it


I use to get asked a question either here or on another board about reconstitution at least once a day so... is THE easiest way to think about any of this stuff.

1. Divide the total mgs of the powder in the vial by the amount you want an individual dose to be. That gives you the total number of doses available per vial. So for example if you want a 100mcg dose and the vial is 5mgs:

So 5mg (5000mcg) divided by 100mcg = 50 doses per vial.
2. Now no matter how much liquid you add you will always use 1/50th of the liquid for each dose (if you want a 100mcg dose)

So if you added 100 gallons of BW to 5mg of powder your dose is going to be 2 gallons (1/50th of 100 gallons).

If you add 1ml of BW your dose will be 1/50th of 1ml which equals 2iu on a slin pin. Why 2iu? ...because 100iu is 1 CC which equals 1ml. 100iu divided by 1/50th equals 2iu.

The amount of liquid NEVER matters. It is the amount of powder that is in the liquid that matters. That is the concentration. You could have a teeny tiny bit in a 100 gallon drum of liquid OR a whole bunch in a shot glass.

If you reconstitute that 5mg vial w/ 1ml of BW then a 100mcg dose equals 2iu (1/50th of 1ml).

If instead you decide to reconstitute that 5mg vial w/ 2ml of BW then a 100mcg dose equals 4iu (1/50th of 2ml).