recreational drugs...


New member
any rec.drugs that would help in either obtaining mass or cuttin fat ..? are there at all any usefull drugs for the average bodybuilder, or is it just that.. rec.drugs.. ???

I dunno if these are useful bodybuilding  drugs but ghb may be of some benefit.  It induces deep sleep and raises hgh levels.  I have also read that it increases cortisol levels though.  I don't think it's that useful in bodybuilding.  Cocaine and Amphetamines like crystal meth, aderol, ritalin, dexadrine, etc. could theoretically be used to raise metabolism and curb appettite and provide energy for aggressive workouts, but I think they would be more catabolic than it is worth.  Hmmm,,,what else? maybe marijuana could be used to increase appettite to aid in bulking during a cycle,,,lol.  I personally however do not think that rec drugs mix well with bodybuilding.
I know a few people who do crack or powder on their off cycle months...I wouldnt suggest it bc a couple have landed themselves in rehab.
To be honest I was one of those dudes..the reason i did it was to lose weight rapidly.  At that time I really wasnt serious about getting fit, but I did workout all the time. Add to the fact i used to hate sleep and love partying didnt help matters out either.  I know I could easily lose 15 pds over a 2 week period doing powder the way I did.  As for the others( and they were serious bbers) they mostly did crack and I would assume they did it for the same get an animal in the weightroom...lose weight..feel
???  one more thing about the whole coke scene...Id never do it again. Theres nothing worse to me than coming down off that its really not worth it imo.
Crack..LMAO who the fuck came up with that name :D  I work with a bunch of crack/pot heads...and NONE of them have ANY motivation or don't even ponder using Tiny!!!!!!
humm.. well, i was thinking.. say you did small amounts of speed.. (i'm talking small amounts).. to loose weight with a low carb diet.. or maybe mariuhana to be able to eat more on a bulk cycle.. GHB to sleep better, thus getting better recovery... you see where i'm getting ...?

<!--QuoteBegin--tiny+Mar. 20 2002,01:18--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (tiny @ Mar. 20 2002,01:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->humm.. well, i was thinking.. say you did small amounts of speed.. (i'm talking small amounts).. to loose weight with a low carb diet.. or maybe mariuhana to be able to eat more on a bulk cycle.. GHB to sleep better, thus getting better recovery... you see where i'm getting ...?

<!--emo&+=--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='+='><!--endemo-->  Man..any kind of speed can be so addictive..not only mentally but physically. It was for me bc I knew I could lose that weight so quick that I didnt need to watch my diet. It all starts with small amounts tiny..then it sinks those hooks in you and its over with. Weed makes you stupid and lazy as hell...and ive never done GH so I dont know about that. I just hope you think this over before doing any of it.
...tiny...dont start because it is very hard to stop for could be the kind of person who it would be hard to quit...and dont even think that you can do small amounts of coke,meth, at least everyone i did it with couldnt do a little...stay away from all that stuff bro... ???
<!--emo&+=--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='+='><!--endemo--> ... OMG !! .. you're not answering my question.. sheesh .. i feel like som come on .. answer my friggin Q.. check out big J's post.. thats what i want ..

"are there at all any usefull drugs for the average bodybuilder, or is it just that.. rec.drugs.."

I use GHB to help me get deep sleep ... I think it helps ... Indirectly at least ...

Things I don't use, but make sense if one were to use them:

- Weed: Obvioulsy will increase appetite. Actually, they have isolated the chemical that induces the "munchies" and market it as a drug for AIDS patients to prevent wasting ... It is called Marinol. THAT has bodybuilding uses written all over it.

- Remeron: Given for depression, but will make you hungry and sleepy. Good for bulking.

As for cutting ...

- Anything amphetamine based will obviously shut down appetite and speed metabolism. Phentermine, Ritalin, "powder", etc.

highly addictive, but useful if you can control it I suppose. bro...i just think that is what they are "recreational" then...but i guess some are useful to an extent but they do more harm then good... :(
you can lose alot of weight on coke...and your girl and house and car and friends and if your allergic...then maybe you can break out in handcuffs too. stay away from that shit tiny...
<!--QuoteBegin--sully+Mar. 20 2002,06:35--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (sully @ Mar. 20 2002,06:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin--> bro...i just think that is what they are "recreational" then...but i guess some are useful to an extent but they do more harm then good... :([/quote]
no worries .. lol .. i'm thinking, what if rec.drugs can be used in a proportion that benefits bodybuilding in some way or another...

you think that theres no way rec.drugs can help in any way, in absolutely no aspect of bodybuilding..?

i'm not thinking rec.drugs in the party sense.. but more of a used in a sensible way to achieve a specific goal sense, as in cutting or bulking...
say i'm cutting and every morning i down a proteinshake and 1/6 of gram of speed and then proceed to do cardio... will i loose fat and keep my muscle, or is the muscle loss to great so the sides outweighs the benefits.. ???

Well why even bother with addictive drugs like coke and x for cutting.  DNP is by far the most potent fat burner and you would have to be truly nuts do get addicted to sweating all day
exactely what i wanted .. a lecture .. <!--emo&+=--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='+='><!--endemo--> ..i would think this was of intrest to not only me but the board aswell.. i use steroids to enhance my body.. if i can get a rec.drug to help with whatever i'm doing without to much sides i would ofcourse do it.. wouldn't you..?
