red face


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anyone explain to me why I get it from peptides. Blood pressure is ok. really would like to figure it out any insight would be great
anyone explain to me why I get it from peptides. Blood pressure is ok. really would like to figure it out any insight would be great
I would like to know as well bro.. I get red in the face, neck and chest.. And I know my BP is good ???
That seems to be something common in bb'ers. A while back we had a Maxxmuscle store where I live, and the guy running it was a big guy who was always red in the face like he was flushed or had high bp. I seem to be getting it sometimes myself now. If it isn't bp, then I'm starting to think that it may be a result of just having elevated testosterone since one of the common effects of AAS is to increase red blood cell production. When I'm on just regular HRT amounts, I don't seem to have it as bad.
Do you sweat alot normally? It is not uncommon for frequent "red face" to occur as a means of dissipating heat. The blood vessels & capillaries open up, increasing blood flow especially in the face chest and arms as a means of cooling the body....this causes a flushing appearance or "red face"....just a thought.
I agree with recon, or it could be an allergy possibly, and it sounds like nitric oxide effects (at high doses)
Former used to be bright red in the morning from the NO and veiny as shit too but than it would go away as the day progressed
yes I do sweat alot but I sweat when its below zero out. I can say that it happens while on test even low dose. I can make it go away with cardio , must be the extra blood going in but not returning fast enouph. The doc put me on blood pressure meds because of it but seemed alittle boggled . It dosnt really bother me but dont want issues to arise because of it.
I think it's kinda weird that it goes away with cardio, that's what seems to have me wondering, otherwise I'd say that it's either what recon or metal said, but if it goes away with the cardio then I have no clue