redheaded stepchild and ugly duckling sarms stack


New member
I’ve been called a red-headed stepchild and The Ugly Duckling my whole life.
People make fun of me for how I look and I will admit I’m pretty damn ugly. Not sure if you ever watched the movie Mask but I suffer from the same issue called lionitis. Caused me to get beaten up a lot growing up and have no friends or girlfriends.
Now as an adult there are some treatments I am doing.
Wondering if sarms would interact with the treatments cause I want to build muscle. Any tips on which sarms would make me more attractive with this condition?
I’ve been called a red-headed stepchild and The Ugly Duckling my whole life.
People make fun of me for how I look and I will admit I’m pretty damn ugly. Not sure if you ever watched the movie Mask but I suffer from the same issue called lionitis. Caused me to get beaten up a lot growing up and have no friends or girlfriends.
Now as an adult there are some treatments I am doing.
Wondering if sarms would interact with the treatments cause I want to build muscle. Any tips on which sarms would make me more attractive with this condition?
sarms wont help him look good lol
it won't interact with treatments. go for it man, fuck the haters out there. we all have different things wrong with us and thats what makes us special and unique. view it as a strength
I’ve been called a red-headed stepchild and The Ugly Duckling my whole life.
People make fun of me for how I look and I will admit I’m pretty damn ugly. Not sure if you ever watched the movie Mask but I suffer from the same issue called lionitis. Caused me to get beaten up a lot growing up and have no friends or girlfriends.
Now as an adult there are some treatments I am doing.
Wondering if sarms would interact with the treatments cause I want to build muscle. Any tips on which sarms would make me more attractive with this condition?
Use gw go to umbrella
I’ve been called a red-headed stepchild and The Ugly Duckling my whole life.
People make fun of me for how I look and I will admit I’m pretty damn ugly. Not sure if you ever watched the movie Mask but I suffer from the same issue called lionitis. Caused me to get beaten up a lot growing up and have no friends or girlfriends.
Now as an adult there are some treatments I am doing.
Wondering if sarms would interact with the treatments cause I want to build muscle. Any tips on which sarms would make me more attractive with this condition?
Facially? None. Nothing we say can or will affect any genetic condition.

Interact... you're probably ok. What do they treat you with?

That said PHYSICALLY yes. Start by reading our free sarms ebook:
sarms are not going to change the way anyones physical appearance is but certainly can help with physique changes