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I started drinking Redline again and I forgot how cracked out this stuff can make you... it's great for getting a kickstart to the day or before your workout.

anyone else drink it?
mikeswift said:
I started drinking Redline again and I forgot how cracked out this stuff can make you... it's great for getting a kickstart to the day or before your workout.

anyone else drink it?

vpx is the shit. I love redline but i would pick the serum over the RTD anyday. That stuff made me crazy. Nothing beats vpx's clenbutrix that they pulled off the market a few years ago though. That stuff was so good it had to be illegal.

mikeswift said:
LOL, which is why I guess they pulled it off the market! HA!

Actually. No. If they pulled everything good off the market we would be left with nothing but green tea honey. They pulled it off the market because vpx was sued for using illegal substances in their products.

I opened this thread cuz I thought it was gonna be about Kevin Levrone's new movie, haha!
i just quit taking it, the stuff was making my blood pressure shoot through the roof. like 175/112 lol. damn shame cause i have two bottles of it
vpx supposedly had some clen like trace substances in it, i think another member just asked about it yesterday, this other substance i mean
clen? as for that levrone movie read the reviews it did horrible, didnt anyone ever see him in backlash? that was a straight to DVD and it was a joke. Not a Levrone fan at all, I lived in D.C. for 5 yrs and use to go to a club and there were always a pro or two there and Levrone was a total prick to the female waitresses. He is now going back into bodybuilding incase yall didnt know.
deca246 said:
clen? as for that levrone movie read the reviews it did horrible, didnt anyone ever see him in backlash? that was a straight to DVD and it was a joke. Not a Levrone fan at all, I lived in D.C. for 5 yrs and use to go to a club and there were always a pro or two there and Levrone was a total prick to the female waitresses. He is now going back into bodybuilding incase yall didnt know.

not everyone can be arnold.
now if he had simply treated the waitresses like peices of meat and copped a feel, then THAT would be arnold
Yeah the clenbutrix has clenbuterol and they had something else that tested positive for traces of var in it. VPX works great but you might as well order some supps and not use something with traces in it. I def like Redline, they came out with a new line called "extreme".
hmm i have yet to try any vpx items, i remember Ms Fit swore by the redline back in the day
yeah she turned me on to Redline and I think the stuff is great even though I'm not a big fan of getting the "jitters" that side wore off after 2 or 3 uses of the stuff.

has anyone tried this Enviga stuff that Nestle-Coca Cola puts out? It's a sparkling green tea that is supposed to be a calorie burner and "metabolic invigorator." It's not terrible tasting but it hasn't done anything for me in terms of giving me a boost.
it's been around about 6 months or so, they sell it in the cafeteria at work with the other "healthy" options
Redline supposedly came out with a new REDLINE XTREME. Wonder what that's going to be like. I love the stuff.

was vpx redline the stuff that came with a syringe and stuff and you pulled liquid from a bottle with a red and blue syringe? my buddy had something like that and loved it, he would take a couple shots before we would go out to the bars since none of drank