~Riddles & Mind Teasers~

I was thinking 10 might be pussey, but the rich/poor thing wouldn't make sense.

11. Three mountain climbers paid a lot of money to be the first to scale a mountain. After several days of climbing they finally reached the pinnacle, and to their dismay, found a cabin and three frozen bodies. Since the mountain climbers were the first to ever climb the summit, how could this be possible?

12.Which word from Group B belongs with the words from Group A?



13.Three riders riding by, three pears hanging high. Each man takes a pear,but still leave three hanging there. How?

14. It starts out with four, if you cut one off 3 fall down and 5 remain. What is it ?

15. As a whole, I am safe and secure.
Behead me, and I become a place of meeting.
Behead me again, and I am the partner of ready.
Restore me, and I become the domain of beast.
I guess I shouldn't get involved here... Huh sugaa and Sachet...LOL
Some of these are different from the ones posted ov'r yonder soOo I'll repost them there for you bassy.. :)

Sug~ repost yours there too..
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All the words in Group A can have the root word SAND put infront of them

sugaa said:

11. Three mountain climbers paid a lot of money to be the first to scale a mountain. After several days of climbing they finally reached the pinnacle, and to their dismay, found a cabin and three frozen bodies. Since the mountain climbers were the first to ever climb the summit, how could this be possible?

12.Which word from Group B belongs with the words from Group A?


Sachet said:
6} Mr. and Mrs. Albright go on a trip to Switzerland. While they are gone, a man sees in a newspaper: "Mr. Albright killed in a skiing accident." The man immediately calls the police and says "Arrest Mrs. Albright as soon as she gets off the plane - she killed her husband." How does he know this?

7} I am light as a feather, but big as a barn. Sixty horses can't pull me off the ground. What am I?
shadow of the barn itself

8} How can 2 people step on 1 piece of paper so that they can't touch each other without stepping off the paper?

the people are on oppisite sides of a door with the paper underneight

9} There was a man walking on a sandy desert and every time he looked behind him, he didn't see any footprints; there were no strong winds on that day. Explain.

10} What is greater than god, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich need it, and if you eat it you will eventually die?
Sachet said:
Actually, I haven't heard it *lol*
I talk a wild guess & say the bear is purple.

*bada bump*
And now you see why I'm always the person posting the riddles & not answering them :D

Nah, the bear's white - 'cause it's a polar bear. The only place you could walk south, then east, then north and be back where you started (as opposed to being one mile east of where you started) is at the north pole........and last I checked ALL the bears up there were white :D :D
Basskiller got #12.

lol bigshug, that's a good riddle. I was gunna say white too!!

Riddle #s..... 6, 10, 13, 14, 15 are still up for grabs everyone. ;-)
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Riddles (ok. I posted these at both places.)

16. Often talked of, never seen,
Ever coming, never been,
Daily looked for, never here,
Still approaching, coming near.
Thousands for it's visit wait
But alas for their fate,
Tho' they expect me to appear,
They will never find me here.

This one is long but it's for when someone doesnt have nething better to do one day.lol

17. Andy dislikes the catcher. Ed's sister is engaged to the second baseman. The center fielder is taller than the right fielder. Harry and the third baseman live in the same building. Paul and Allen each won $20 from the pitcher at pinochle. Ed and the outfielders play poker during their free time. The pitcher's wife is the third baseman's sister. The pitcher, catcher, and infielders except Allen, Harry, and Andy, are shorter than Sam. Paul, Andy, and the shortstop lost $50 each at the racetrack. Paul, Harry, Bill, and the catcher took a trouncing from the second baseman at pool. Sam is involved in a divorce suit. The catcher and the third baseman each have two children. Ed, Paul, Jerry, the right fielder, and the center fielder are bachelors. The others are married. The shortstop, the third baseman, and Bill each cleaned up $100 betting on the fight. One of the outfielders is either Mike or Andy. Jerry is taller than Bill. Mike is shorter than Bill. Each of them is heavier than the third baseman.

Using these facts, determine the names of the men playing the various positions on the baseball team.

18. Why is a manhole cover round and not square?
Can you think of two reasons?