Road to 260


New member
Since this is my new favorite forum I figured I'd start a journal here....i'm notoriously bad at finishing these sì hopefully u guys help keep me accountable....I'm 16 days post contest weighing about 215 at 5' weight is usually deceiving as I have small joints


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I'm a lucky guy...not only is my girl beautiful...she puts up with me...and won her class In bikini and got a national qualiication at the Texas state.....




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I seen your contest pics, and I will just give you my 2 cents. Your back needs to be wider and lower lats need work. You have high lats. Bring up your arms, mostly your tri's. Your chest looks pretty good, but could use more thickness. Shoulders and quads are your best part.

Trust me Im not knocking you at all, just telling you what I see. I need alot of work myself, lol.

Keep at it, you looked good and will only get better with time. Oh and your girl is hot. lol. Keep us posted.
I seen your contest pics, and I will just give you my 2 cents. Your back needs to be wider and lower lats need work. You have high lats. Bring up your arms, mostly your tri's. Your chest looks pretty good, but could use more thickness. Shoulders and quads are your best part.

Trust me Im not knocking you at all, just telling you what I see. I need alot of work myself, lol.

Keep at it, you looked good and will only get better with time. Oh and your girl is hot. lol. Keep us posted.

Your 100% spot on....and to add to that traps need more peak, hams need more drop, more outer calf......and everything u said....

Here has been my split the last two weeks to focus on my weak areas....

Weds-back width/calves
Sat-back thickness/biceps

What do u think nuk?

Btw...great judge of a physique...u pretty much read the judges critique card from a couple weeks ago

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Your 100% spot on....and to add to that traps need more peak, hams need more drop, more outer calf......and everything u said....

Here has been my split the last two weeks to focus on my weak areas....

Weds-back width/calves
Sat-back thickness/biceps

What do u think nuk?

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this is a good split. I train back twice a week myself. Use alot underhand grip on back days to hit more of the lower lats. And with tri's stay with heavy free weight movements to really get some mass on them.
this is a good split. I train back twice a week myself. Use alot underhand grip on back days to hit more of the lower lats. And with tri's stay with heavy free weight movements to really get some mass on them.

I don't often use an underhand grip...that's a good idea.

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Meal 1 8am
10 slices turkey bacon
1 cup oats
1.5 tbsp natty pb

Meal 2 1030am
Big 100 protein bar
2 cups fruit
600 cals

Meal 3
12 oz turkey
2 cups rice
1.5 cups blueberries w/ sf cool whip
1200 cals

Meal 4
4 oz turkey
10 slices turkey bacon
2 cups bluberries w/ sf cool whip
900 cals

Pre/during WO
2 scoops vpx anarchy covalex
30g glutamine
30g waximaize
280 cals

Meal 5
8 oz bottom round steak
8 oz lean turkey
1 cup oats
1.5 tbsp natty pb
1 cup blueberries w/sf cool whip
1600 cals

Meal 6
8 oz turkey
35g casein
4 wrap breads
1 cup blueberries
1200 cals

6430 cals

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I've dropped my weights about 20-30% but increased TUT (time under tension) taking a page out of John meadows book...basically a 3 second eccentric with a 1 second pause at the bottom of the rep...and a deliberate concentric without locking get that deep pump that only fairly heavy weight can induce but not so heavy things creak along the way....the weight I'm usin right now is humbling

11/8 chest/calves

Decline bench
225 x 10
275 x 6
275 x 6
275 x 6 drop to 225 x 3 drop to 135 x 10

High incline DB
100s x 8
100s x 8
100s x 8 drop to 50 x 10

Incline DB Fly (2 seconds in the stretch)
30s x 8
30s x 8
30s x 8

Machine flyes (grabbing the posts not the handles for a wider than normal grip)
180 x 10
180 x 10
180 x 10

Seated leg press calf raise
190 x 100 (get to 50 non stop and take one leg off while keeping the other calf stretched and shake out the lactic acid, repeat other calf shake and than get 10 more reps, repeat until 100)

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Started last week......
900mgs test cyp/enan
360mgs tren enan
300mgs masteron enan(proviron sub)

100mcg ghrp6/100mcg mod grf 3x a day

100mcgs igf-1 lr3
300mcgs peg mgf (aminooutpost hooked me up with 8mgs...really like it with the igf-1)

In 2 weeks I will add humalog pre wo.

Than I will add 2ius gh pwo 4 weeks later.

Than I will add 5 ius humulin with breakfast 4 weeks later

That's the plan anyway.

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Holy shit bro, you look awesome. I'm looking forward to the log. And you do look substantially bigger than your weight indicates.
dude, you have the tools to be national level, with some added size...
Thanks the dude and motivates me a lot more than u may age 18 I weighed 135lbs at 5'11(I was taller than, shrunk half an inch ha ha)....I didnt think I'd ever even compete honestly...

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I have a bit of tendonitits in mynleft tricep which i keep in check using scheik neoprene elbow sleeves...but any sort of skull crusher variation kills my elbow for even though I need to improve it I have tonwork around it a bit....

V bar extensions
Stack x 10
Stack x 10
Stack x 10 drop to 100 x 10

Close grip bench
225 x 8
275 x 6
315 x 2 drop to 225 x 4 drop to 135 x 4

One arm overhead DB ext
30 x 8
40 x 6
45 x 6 drop to 25 x 12

Reverse d handle unilateral cable extensions
30 x 12
40 x 8
50 x 6
50 x 6 drop to 40 x 7 drop to 30 x 9

Lying leg curl (did these super strict keeping hips down and than upon full flexion raising my knees off te platform as high as i can...fries ur hams and ham/glute tie in...severely limits the weight)
50 x 12
65 x 10
75 x 8

Standing single leg curl (2 second contraction)
30 x 12
40 x 8
30 x 12
30 x 12

Lying leg curl
100 x 8
100 x 8
100 x 8 drop to 50 x 10

DB stiff leg Deadlift
125s x 10
125s x 10
125s x 10

I gotta do cardio again...I was severely out of breath after my lat set of stiff legs....

Still in pretty solid shape despite te flood of cals (hard to take a picture of gf falls asleep at 10...I have insomnia)

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