Rocky Mountain Research Products

I constantly see posts about these research kits, but for someone new like me, all the code in the posts tells me nothing about how research is conducted and what the expected results are. Where does a novice like me go to get fully educated rather than messing it up and becoming a danger to the test subject?

You sound more like a snooping cop than a an articulate one at that, a lot of items are for college and medical classes for students in excercise science. Anytime you test a new way of doing something its an experiment, the test subjects vary. So what exactly are you asking? I think I saw some posts on other boards as well by you right?
I'm definitely not a cop. Cops scare me because they can send me back to Canada if I do what I'd really like to and order the good stuff. I'm trying to stay on the gray side of the law and I thought these research kits would be a way to do that. Methyl-D is something I'm also trying, but I just got the flu and had to stop only a week and half into it. I didn't notice any changes to strength or size in that short time. I will restart that test in another week or so.

By the way, I've seen your posts around too and I'm watching you closely... :cool: ...only because you seem to know your stuff.
hey bro I didnt mean to sound insulting I was just amaxed at the response you had given and how you asked your question. There's no hard feelings here and Its completely up to you of what you do and how you do it.
I am just saying that with your little knowledge of anything that maybe doing any experiments are not up your alley, you may want to learn more and research more of what you want to.
No hard feelings here its was just suprising to see a post like that on this thread all of a sudden.

read on the pro hormones you mentioned and learn i dont think that should scare you but like i said each to his own.
good luck.
Sorry about the nerd speak, but I forget when I'm not in the office anymore.

I might try the M1T in small doses with the Methyl-D and see if that gives me any sides.

I have been trying to gain muscle for over a year now without any supplements. In that time, I lost about 5 pounds of fat and gained about 5 pounds of muscle. Guys on this board talk about gaining more muscle in a week (although they're probably full of s#!@). I don't need anything that drastic, but 3 pounds a month would be just right. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
items going fast

We are running low on .22 micron filters first come first serve.
new items will be added next week.
Check us out maybe you may find something you need or just want to have.

If there are ever any special requests feel free to contact us at [email protected]

There is a small backorder on BB, we ran out friday and more is on the way but all orders will be shipped within 24 hours and the BB will follow if that was ordered.

Check out the bulk prices on the RMRP bulk sale in the muscle chemistry discussion forum.
Just wanted to give a quick thanks to MC and everyone who has supported us.. maybe we can show our appreciation by hosting another giveway or a large pizza
Anyways thanks to everyone.
down but not out.

Yes sort of refer to the new post bro...and dont worry everyone will be taken care of as always! Even any backorder items will be shipped asap!
under this same forum bro.
we will be back soon!

We expect to be back up and fully stocked by sept 1st. I know its a long way out but if guys still need anything give me a hollar and i will see what i can do.
I am waiting for pallets of glass vials then they have to be cleaned and sterilized and oils, and other items are taking forever too.
I still need to make sure everyone gets any and all backorders as promised too. The old co-owner really made a mess for me to clean up, but i am doiung it slowly.

look for us late august early september, cheaper prices, better products, more than ever carried. We will have quality pre-med, chemistry, and biology, and even some vet student supplies in stock for the college students who need us.

also we will have links to sites and guys who will have what we dont carry.
the site is donw bro for another month, thats all but look for it. we hope to get everything taken care of before we re-open though.