Roid Rage myth or fact?

I'm short tempered to begin with, but with fina and eq I found that the days leading up to my eq injecton I would start getting short with people. Though not being an ass or anything. But after my injection of eq I was laid back and mellow.
But to answer your question. MYTH!
its a myth and heres why---------> roid rage was first used by a fucked up attorney to get his client off a murder rap. kind of like temporary insanity he claimed the only reason his client acted out was becuase of steroids. since that defense was used the media ran with it( just as they have road rage,sexuall harrasment,date rape ect.)so yes its a myth btu since the media likes the term so much if you ever kill someone try it other than that drop the subject it doesnt exist!
you ever heard of the Dallas Cowboy girls?Grant it compared to CA ...but who always wins the miss USA the majority of all years.....miss TEXAS cant argue that one.
shokjosh456 said:
you ever heard of the Dallas Cowboy girls?Grant it compared to CA ...but who always wins the miss USA the majority of all years.....miss TEXAS cant argue that one.

WOW.....WOW! Easy there buddy, I wouldn't want to get your little panties in a twist.....I'm joker so don't take everything I say witha grain of salt. PEACE!
I though it was queers and steers in texas Yikes just a joke shokjosh just remember it from what ever that movie was hamburger hill I think.
mailboxkillR said:
I though it was queers and steers in texas Yikes just a joke shokjosh just remember it from what ever that movie was hamburger hill I think.

Only steers and queers come from texas! And you don't look like no steer! :D LOL! That is from the movie Full Metal Jacket.
I believe it is myth...but I ahve found that my temper and patience is much shorter now. I get pissed at the tedious things I have to do at work much easier...oh well dont worry I wont kill anyone
Hey,at least I live right next to the border...I didnt get offended at all me...Ive seen alot of women..and IMO the best looking ones are actually in Florida and I agree...I was just saying that there are pretty women in Texas...just gotta know where to look......of course cali and FL you dont have to look as me...I envy youu...but I live in a small town and I dont have to worry about drive by shooting,Gangs,etc...its peacful and I want my kids to be away from danger...if I didnt have kids,Id probably be in florida or cali on the BEACH :D
I believe the saying originally came from "Officer and a Gentleman" When they are lining up.

But anyway, Im gonna visit Austin, Dallas and San Antonio in Texas. And if there is such a thing as Roid rage, those chicks are gonna feel the heat!