Roney Rockel 3 weeks out

Fuck he looks really good for 3 weeks out. He could make a very nice placing if he comes in right
I thought these guys wanted to show up and surprise everyone. Why are all these pictures out there in the weeks leading up to contests?
I thought these guys wanted to show up and surprise everyone. Why are all these pictures out there in the weeks leading up to contests?

lol, it only matters what they look like come show time. Pics dont mean shit at a pro level. Kai is a perfect example.
Dry was the first thing I thought when I saw that. With some color he would look great just like that, but like Nuk said look at Kai. Its all about being on point at the right time.
lol, it only matters what they look like come show time. Pics dont mean shit at a pro level. Kai is a perfect example.

Yes, that is totally true. Kai looked really good leading up to the O and then bombed it. It happens all the time
Looking awesome! Now if someone would just tell me how the hell you build legs that big, I'd be set.
I think he walks a lot, that's the only way to get legs like that, he doesn't use the elevator, only the stairs