running just d-bol


MuscleChemistry Guru
is it true that back in the old-n-days that they would just use doses od d-bol. no test no other orals, just d-bol's ? im currently using 4 weeks worth to kick off my cycle and love it (as you can see its my first time)

for me not that much water and tons of strength. has anyone ran it by it self ? and been able to maintain the gains ?
Yes it is true. Some ahletes used to take em year, round plus other things. I truely love d-bols. They are a great strengh and mass builder (although most of it is from water retension) for jumpstarts on cycles. Plus you can pretty much get the same results as anadrol and still be able to take it longer do to it not being as harsh as drol. They also seem to put me in a real good state of mind.
yea bro, they used to eat those things like tic tacs LOL

I've never taken it by itself, and I think it would be hard to retain much of the gains you got off dbol if you ran it alone.
D-bol is a good way to jump start your cycle, but I doubt wheather you'll keep those gains. You have to accompany it with injectables
I had always heard that was the only thing they had back then. They'd just keep taking those dbol, eat really big, and then diet down. I suppose if that's the only thing you had access to, you'd find some way to make it work as they obviously did.
saudades said:
I had always heard that was the only thing they had back then. They'd just keep taking those dbol, eat really big, and then diet down. I suppose if that's the only thing you had access to, you'd find some way to make it work as they obviously did.
Nothing like today.But that is all they had.Then again 10 yrs from now there will be all new stuff.It will probably make our cycles look abnormal.
I was talking to an older man in his 60's at my gym one night. He lived in LA and was big into training. Never into shows, but trained pretty hard. He told me it was nothing for him and guys at the gym to carry dbol around in a container or their pocket like candy. He said he would just pop one in his mouth every so often. He had me laughing when he said guys would just get a drink out and wash them down right in the middle of their workout.