SARMS - First time - Input / Advice Appreciated!


New member
[FONT=&quot]I am interested in doing my first SARMS cycle and would like input.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I am 6'4" Tall and [/FONT]#190[FONT=&quot] - [/FONT]#195[FONT=&quot] 10-12% BF currently. Work out 4-5 x per week. 2 Off Days with mild exercise (walking). [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I fairly clean and have been meal prepping for 3-4 years now and looking to do this cycle with no deviations from my meal plan used for bulking. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I am looking to increase mass but keep it lean, increased strength would also be nice. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I've gathered some input on a separate Discussion - Below is what I think I'll start with - [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot](Ostarine MK-2866) - 20mg / per day for 8 weeks[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot](LGD) - 10mg / per day for 8 weeks[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]PCT - (Do I need both?)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Clomid - 50/25/25[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Nolvadex - 40/20/20[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Is it recommended to take more? Is it recommended to get blood tested? - any idea on costs or where? I researched the PCT isn't required unless the side affects were felt. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I will be doing progress photos, body measurements, etc to track the progress as best I can. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Any feedback is greatly appreciated! [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Thank you![/FONT]
I am interested in doing my first SARMS cycle and would like input.

I am 6'4" Tall and #190 - #195 10-12% BF currently. Work out 4-5 x per week. 2 Off Days with mild exercise (walking).

I fairly clean and have been meal prepping for 3-4 years now and looking to do this cycle with no deviations from my meal plan used for bulking.

I am looking to increase mass but keep it lean, increased strength would also be nice.

I've gathered some input on a separate Discussion - Below is what I think I'll start with -

(Ostarine MK-2866) - 20mg / per day for 8 weeks
(LGD) - 10mg / per day for 8 weeks

PCT - (Do I need both?)
Clomid - 50/25/25
Nolvadex - 40/20/20

Is it recommended to take more? Is it recommended to get blood tested? - any idea on costs or where? I researched the PCT isn't required unless the side affects were felt.

I will be doing progress photos, body measurements, etc to track the progress as best I can.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

That's a mild course of SARMs so you will likely not require the PCT you outlined. That kind of PCT is more in line with a full AAS cycle, and SARMs don't really get that close to AAS in terms of shutdown in low doses.
Thanks @BigZ. What would you recommend for a PCT then?Or what would you recommend overall for me? I'm looking to kick things off but nothing crazy.
SARMs don't aromatize into estrogen at all so you won't need Nolvadex. If you experience any shutdown which shouldn't be much, then maybe half of the dose of clomid would work for you.
Used both seperate, never stacked them, you can, But I just never did so. When I used em they were new so I used them solo. Both were great. As Big said, no real need for a huge pct.

There was suppression but minimal IMO. like he said either nolva or clom half the dosage. I did a write up on my experience with them somewhere on here haha. I think, blood tests? Cant hurt bro. Local clinic shouldn't be too much, my bloods from my dr were $8 (did have medical insurance with hsa plan)
Used both seperate, never stacked them, you can, But I just never did so. When I used em they were new so I used them solo. Both were great. As Big said, no real need for a huge pct.

There was suppression but minimal IMO. like he said either nolva or clom half the dosage. I did a write up on my experience with them somewhere on here haha. I think, blood tests? Cant hurt bro. Local clinic shouldn't be too much, my bloods from my dr were $8 (did have medical insurance with hsa plan)

I appreciated both of your help very much. It's appreciated with how new I am to this subject.
So for a pct (i like to be safe rather than sorry...)
Clomid - 25/25/25??

Forums are so confusing.. on a different forum I was strongly recommended both Clomid and Nolva.

For my first time should I just do Osta? If I do it again then try Osta & LGD?
Yes, that sounds about right. No problem, bro.

Have to find the people who really know the subjects. There's lots of "broscience" out there. Stick around, there's a lot of knowledgeable people here.

It's up to you how you want to run them. If you study up on each SARM, you'll see Osta is stronger than Andarine, and LGD is stronger than Ostarine. You can use one at a time or use both together. Maybe one scenario is if you feel you should get used to it a bit first, then perhaps use Ostarine on its own for a couple of weeks to see how your body reacts. Then if you feel that you can, add in the LGD.
Yes, that sounds about right. No problem, bro.

Have to find the people who really know the subjects. There's lots of "broscience" out there. Stick around, there's a lot of knowledgeable people here.

It's up to you how you want to run them. If you study up on each SARM, you'll see Osta is stronger than Andarine, and LGD is stronger than Ostarine. You can use one at a time or use both together. Maybe one scenario is if you feel you should get used to it a bit first, then perhaps use Ostarine on its own for a couple of weeks to see how your body reacts. Then if you feel that you can, add in the LGD.

To try it out and kick it off I think I'll give the below a "run"

(Ostarine MK-2866) - 20mg / per day for 8 weeks
Clomid - 25/25/25
To try it out and kick it off I think I'll give the below a "run"

(Ostarine MK-2866) - 20mg / per day for 8 weeks
Clomid - 25/25/25

Pct is always controversial lmao. Some swear you only need nolva other clomid some claim both. Some use hcg on cycle others says with your pct. Ugh.
Have you ever used a pct for anything? Cuz if it worked for that it'll work for sarms. I would say use it like you planned, maybe add some trib or natty test booser if you want I do, personal preference. I also like using cialis, not only cuz pct kills my erections, but cialis boosts test levels. TSO did a write up on it. Cannot hurt. Plus I love the half life of cialis. I have viagra, makes me dizzy lmao.

It won't hurt to stack it, I have seen some say ost and lgd are the same so stacks were pointless, but broscience isn't facts you know?

Ost gave me a nice boost in performance I wont knock it, great enhancer no doubt. I am just insanely found of test in any for or ester lmao, tired of shots tho at the moment bc I do the every fuckin day lmao. But i love test.

Osta and lgd both were great, it's a bump in size, not sure about strength cannot remember, I'm sure there was some i did a write up somewhere on it.

You cannot go wrong with sarms in my book, I saw no suppression from osta, my pct if I recall, was otc it was eliminate cannot remember the name of the stuff in it. It was similar to arimidex and it had anti cortisol too. Something like dhea oxo7 does. Also used tribulus..

LGD did suppress me, not huge like test or other aas/ph but ut did. I believe I used nolva 10/10/10 nowadays i prefer clomid having used both I just think clom helps me recover better idk.

I have used osta in my pct before as well def helped but it was low dosed. 5/5/10/10 or something like that. It stacked well with igf1 too. I used osta more than lgd, it was a fav. Mainly bc it didn't supress me and if it did i ddint notice.

Enjoy the run bro. Any questions i can answer what i can. Gl.

- - - Updated - - -

Yes, that sounds about right. No problem, bro.

Have to find the people who really know the subjects. There's lots of "broscience" out there. Stick around, there's a lot of knowledgeable people here.

It's up to you how you want to run them. If you study up on each SARM, you'll see Osta is stronger than Andarine, and LGD is stronger than Ostarine. You can use one at a time or use both together. Maybe one scenario is if you feel you should get used to it a bit first, then perhaps use Ostarine on its own for a couple of weeks to see how your body reacts. Then if you feel that you can, add in the LGD.

I wrote mine before I read yours lmao. We think alike Big haha. A LOT of broscience.
For Bulking

Shines best when used for gaining lean muscle (bulking) as it is the most anabolic of all the*SARMS. Suggested dosage is*25 mg for 4-6 weeks. PCT is not necessary. An increase of 6 lbs. of lean, keepable gains can be observed during this period.

You can take Ostarine as high as 36 mg for 8 weeks BUT only if you weigh 210 lbs. Suppression is expected in higher doses so PCT after a cycle is a must.

For Recomping

Ostarine shines in recomping due to its nutrient portioning results. Calorie is used to build muscle which helps in weight loss and enhancing muscle mass and strength. Suggested dosing is*12.5-25 mg for 4-8 weeks.

*Your diet must contain 30% of lean sources of protein to achieve the best recomp result.

For Cutting

MK-2866 can help cut whilst preserving muscle gains and decreasing calories. Suggested dosing is*12.5-15 mg for 4-6 weeks.

Solid info. Never hurts to ask. Man, I used to blow up forums with questions about everything. Have to have pissed people off lmao. I wanted to make sure I knew what I was doing, had it all planned out and executed it perfectly. I hate to spend money on stuff and not get the most out of it.
For Bulking

Shines best when used for gaining lean muscle (bulking) as it is the most anabolic of all the*SARMS. Suggested dosage is*25 mg for 4-6 weeks. PCT is not necessary. An increase of 6 lbs. of lean, keepable gains can be observed during this period.

You can take Ostarine as high as 36 mg for 8 weeks BUT only if you weigh 210 lbs. Suppression is expected in higher doses so PCT after a cycle is a must.

For Recomping

Ostarine shines in recomping due to its nutrient portioning results. Calorie is used to build muscle which helps in weight loss and enhancing muscle mass and strength. Suggested dosing is*12.5-25 mg for 4-8 weeks.

*Your diet must contain 30% of lean sources of protein to achieve the best recomp result.

For Cutting

MK-2866 can help cut whilst preserving muscle gains and decreasing calories. Suggested dosing is*12.5-15 mg for 4-6 weeks.

Solid info. Never hurts to ask. Man, I used to blow up forums with questions about everything. Have to have pissed people off lmao. I wanted to make sure I knew what I was doing, had it all planned out and executed it perfectly. I hate to spend money on stuff and not get the most out of it.

WOW! Thank you both for the information, and I don't mean that in a sarcastic way.

This is my first dabble into any PED so yeah I'm a bit cautious and have about enough questions to fill up a book.
  • I'm worried of the suppression / side affects affecting my sex life long term.. - is that possible? -possible during the cycle?
  • If I keep the set up - a little shorter - do you see any problems?
(Ostarine MK-2866) - 25mg / per day for 4-6 weeks
Clomid - 25/25/25

  • Is there any way to test the SARM? Make sure it's real before taking it?
Any input on ---(Ostarine MK-2866) - 25mg / per day for 4-6 weeksTest Booster - 2 per day for 4-6 weekPCT - Clomid - 25/25/25Test Booster - 2 per day for 4-6 week
WOW! Thank you both for the information, and I don't mean that in a sarcastic way.

This is my first dabble into any PED so yeah I'm a bit cautious and have about enough questions to fill up a book.
  • I'm worried of the suppression / side affects affecting my sex life long term.. - is that possible? -possible during the cycle?
  • If I keep the set up - a little shorter - do you see any problems?
(Ostarine MK-2866) - 25mg / per day for 4-6 weeks
Clomid - 25/25/25

  • Is there any way to test the SARM? Make sure it's real before taking it?

Lab test is about it haha. I stick with companies I trust. It's kinda like with aas ya know? MC has sarms, haven't used them yet, but will soon. I have used their IGF1 many times and it never disappointed me. I didn't notice like inches to my arms or anything with igf1, but I did notice density great pumps and the vascularity was awesome.

But that is a different supplement haha.
Any input on ---(Ostarine MK-2866) - 25mg / per day for 4-6 weeksTest Booster - 2 per day for 4-6 weekPCT - Clomid - 25/25/25Test Booster - 2 per day for 4-6 week

Solid to me man. That's how I did it. Minus the clomid. I had no suppression. No issues with sex drive either. LGD suppressed me a lil. And I did do a mini pct.

Osta 25mg 4 to 8 weeks hell even 12 if you wanted, works well. Nice ample gains nothing crazy, so if you think you will see 30 lbs haha well... but 4 or so solid pounds is doable. Perhaps more? I only ran it 4 weeks, but I was poor or I would have done longer.

I did run osta with a test booster but it's just a thing I do... like when I ran phs I ran test lotion, or when I run any steroid, i shoot test. Just how I stack it. Osta shouldn't mess with your test levels, but it was how I struvture my cycles. Always have a test base...

I believe I ran osta once with hcg as well. It was a bridge leading into dbol/test/npp. There are a kot of ways to do it haha. Osta is one of the best sarms cuz the sides are very low to none and has a nice bump. Ny one buddy, like you, never ran anything. I started him on osta he loved it.
I liked both osta & lgd. Osta seemed to have a healing effect to it, while the lgd was good for putting on a few lbs lean & strength went up. All the advice you got is good, but if I did it again, I would run lgd for 8 weeks & osta for 4 weeks. I might experiment with the lgd dose a little higher than 10mg one day, just to see how I react to it. I noticed no shut down off osta & very little off lgd.

Btw, I did a log if you are interested in checking it out. "Ostarine solo log" & "test e & lgd". Both are pretty detailed
Ah. Damnit, now I'm back at the crossroads lol of if I should run just Osta or run LGD as well... fuck...
I did check out your logs - awesome info man. I appreciate it.

Aight.. we need to draw the line in the sand. Do LGD with Osta or run Osta solo for first time?

LGD - 10mg / per day for 6 weeks
(Ostarine MK-2866) - 25mg / per day for 4-6 weeks
Test Booster - 2 per day for 4-6 week

PCT - Clomid - 25/25/25
Test Booster - 2 per day for 4-6 week

I liked both osta & lgd. Osta seemed to have a healing effect to it, while the lgd was good for putting on a few lbs lean & strength went up. All the advice you got is good, but if I did it again, I would run lgd for 8 weeks & osta for 4 weeks. I might experiment with the lgd dose a little higher than 10mg one day, just to see how I react to it. I noticed no shut down off osta & very little off lgd.

Btw, I did a log if you are interested in checking it out. "Ostarine solo log" & "test e & lgd". Both are pretty detailed
Lgd for 6 weeks at 10 mgs, followed by osta for 6 weeks at 25 mgs is a solid plan man. I would stick with that. Clomid & test booster should be plenty for pct. You shouldn't notice a whole lot of shut down. I seen in your original post that you would update with photos & measurements, so I'm assuming you are going to log it?
Not to run them both at the same time though? Your saying do lgd and then do ostarine?

LGD - 10mg / per day for 6 weeks
(Ostarine MK-2866) - 25mg / per day for 4-6 weeks

PCT - Clomid - 25/25/25
Test Booster - 2 per day for 4-6 week

Lgd for 6 weeks at 10 mgs, followed by osta for 6 weeks at 25 mgs is a solid plan man. I would stick with that. Clomid & test booster should be plenty for pct. You shouldn't notice a whole lot of shut down. I seen in your original post that you would update with photos & measurements, so I'm assuming you are going to log it?