

New member
This may have been covered in the past and if so I apologize. Has anyone used or researched any Sarms (Andarine or Ostarine) ?
as quick as the hype came up on this is as quick as it was gone.

the info is out there... let me see if i can find only old info off another board for you
my buddy just did ostarine and he says it helped him lean out but no increase in strength or size. He is an olympic lifter and his personal records did not go up at of the opinion that they are a fad
my buddy just did ostarine and he says it helped him lean out but no increase in strength or size. He is an olympic lifter and his personal records did not go up at of the opinion that they are a fad

I figured that. I guess if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Thanks guys for the help!