Saturday bros - to the gym


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Does everybody workout on the weekends? I try and work out both
Sat and Sun because those are the days I'm not working the 8 hrs.
and energy levels are only for the workout. Sometimes it hard to get
every workout during the week (two young kids I pick up from school
every day) or I have to make them quick. Weekends I can usually take
my time. I know some of the DC take weekends off - what do you guys
do. (mabey I can pick up some tips on squeezing in a xtra workout)
In the offseason, I continue splits on the weekend.
During contest prep, you have no choice- you have to do splits every day of the week.
i usually do cardio in AM 2x a week, then workout 3x in pm during week. then on w/e i do cardio in am on sat and sun, and wrkouts in the pm bothdays. I also get to hit the treadmill at work when its slow, so sometimes i get to do cardio 2x a day.
MMX2 said:
In the offseason, I continue splits on the weekend.
During contest prep, you have no choice- you have to do splits every day of the week.

i was wondering, does that mean gym in the AM and cardio in the PM as a split? Or weights twice a day? and any cardio is extra?

so how many times a day do you go the gym in heavy contest prep?
In the offseason, I do cardio only every 3rd day. Both splits are weight training.
During contest prep, I normally hit the gym 2 times a day, sometimes 3 on weekends to separate cardio from weight training sessions. It gets to you sometimes to spend more than few hours in the gym at one time so I try to split it up if I can.
Luckily I work from home and so all days are the same to me. But I think you are smart to get in as much as you can on the weekends with your schedule.

I sometimes have to shift a workout from Friday to Saturday, but if I miss that one, I won't workout again until Monday. I like to rest a lot on Sunday.