Saturday Nights


New member
Here I am, its saturday night at 750 pm as I write this. In the dorm building I live in I can look out the window and see a good portion of my friends outside a house we all chill at not more than 100 feet out the back of the building off campus. They are all drinking and smoking im sure since I can see two kegs on the front lawn and Ive gotten about 5 phone calls to come down there and drink, which is something I currently am not doing for certain reasons of course. I am sitting here (on my favorite website of course) drinking a protien shake and about to watch the 40 year old virgin with a female friend of mine. Personally, i have no desire to go down there and get drunk at all, I love knowing Im going to wake up closer to my goal instead of further away. Im sure you can all relate and just felt like sharing what was on my mind right now and maybe theres one or two in the same situation as me right now. Work Hard, Train Hard, Eat right...thats our way of life. :thumbsup:
good for you bro, I'm having a quiet night at home with the wife tonight myself. Enjoy it and just like you said you'll wake up tomorrow closer to your goal instead.
Most of the time mike thats what i prefer to do. I love just hangin out in my suite with 1 other person, maybe two (even better if its a lady friend of mine). Im not to keen on standing in parties or bars not being able to hear my friend talking right next to me. Just not my deal, have a great night of relaxation mike and everyone else, i know im going to.
Yea you guys are lucky, I'm doing the same thing except without the girl part. Guess I'll get a good forearm workout in.
Good stuff Vertigo...I've been out of the party scene for quite some time now...and I prefer it this way. I can't stand waking up hung over. It just ruins a few days for me. Definitely not worth it. So good for you bro.
vertigorocks said:
Most of the time mike thats what i prefer to do. I love just hangin out in my suite with 1 other person, maybe two (even better if its a lady friend of mine). Im not to keen on standing in parties or bars not being able to hear my friend talking right next to me. Just not my deal, have a great night of relaxation mike and everyone else, i know im going to.

have a great night yourself bro, enjoy
BiggerStronger said:
Good stuff Vertigo...I've been out of the party scene for quite some time now...and I prefer it this way. I can't stand waking up hung over. It just ruins a few days for me. Definitely not worth it. So good for you bro.

If you have been out of the party scene a while, then its been forever for me.
I did my wild party stuff in my 20's but outgrew that when I turned 30.
I am on my way to tan... woohoo...
MMX2 said:
If you have been out of the party scene a while, then its been forever for me.
I did my wild party stuff in my 20's but outgrew that when I turned 30.
I am on my way to tan... woohoo...

I got my tan in around 5pm today, so relaxing i actually fell asleep for the last 10 minutes.

Biggerstronger- waking up hungover does suck ass and throws your training off for like 2 days. Its not good, ive just come to the conclusion that if I want to ever be where i want to be that part of my life is reduced to about 1 time a month and 0 if im on cycle. You know what though....i love it, after you dont do it for a while you realize just how much better you feel.

Anyways, the 40 year old virgin was hilarious and my girl is calling for me so I'll talk to you bros tomorrow. Goodnight fellas(and ladies) have a great night.
Pumped78 said:
Bro when u have a goal, its no surprise to sit in on a Sat. nite or any nite for that matter.

Personally i think its a little hard when Im sitting at one of the craziest party schools and I can see all of my friends out my back window having a good time. Of course i didnt go because of that goal and i had a great evening in with my girl just watching movies. I do think a saturday night when all your friends are out having fun is a little different than a weekday when everyones in doing homework, just my thoughts. I wasnt trying to brag about it either, i know most of us were in anyways it was just something i was thinking about and felt like sharing.
sounds like a pressure thing to me.

i go out a bit, im into the live rock/metal music scence and its hard when everyone around you drinks and smokes and does drugs and stays up all night. Hell, I used to do all that. I dont really "fit in" now, but know some of people and can still hang out and mingle without doing what everyone else is.

some people do have a hard time with it though - in which case avoidance maybe is best.
I used to be horrenous with all of it until i got serious with my training about 2 years ago. I actually am in the metal/hardcore scene myself drew, i play in 2 bands, one metal and one hardcore punk band. It is hard when youre entire band (both) are drinking b4 and after shows, but i am always the responsible one that drives the van home. I dont mind it though, i had a great saturday night anyways, i love sitting in with my girl anyways. Its nice to find a girl that you can actually talk to without getting a headache in 10 minutes LOL. (sorry girls)
vertigorocks said:
Its nice to find a girl that you can actually talk to without getting a headache in 10 minutes LOL. (sorry girls)

those girls exist?!
I fell to weakness myself this weekend. I tied one on both Friday and Saturday. Saturday I did not eat too much either. Just did not feel like it. It is work to eat all the time. I just wanted to chill, drink beer and and eat junk food. But this was all done in my own crib. No going out, to much of a hassle at this point. I aint lookin for love these days.
I work in a strip club and I would be lying if I said that I avoided alcohol 100% of the time. I am determined to stay the course now that I'm on though. Vert, where do you goto school?
10000_days said:
I work in a strip club and I would be lying if I said that I avoided alcohol 100% of the time. I am determined to stay the course now that I'm on though. Vert, where do you goto school?

if I worked in a titty bar, avoiding alcohol wouldnt be the problem. avoiding all that ass would be! :satan:
its hard for me to avoid the partys and shit as all my friends arent as commited as me hence the reason my friends have way more cycles under there belt and im still bigger :> haha. I fall into pressure alot never when im on though course only been on once haha but its so tempting for me but being 21 and also in college its hard unless i got a good relationship goin on. Me and the ex are talkin again and patching things up hopefully shell take care of me and keep me at the house and away from the booze so i can meet my goals better haha glad you are mentally strong and looking to strive to your goals though vert thats great. hope everyone has a good one.
im getting there gbart, ill get some pics up in a day or so, im finally getting this girl to take some pics for me. All of this sitting in my door room and at my girls house is paying off. I hope youre getting close to where you wanna be to gbart. It seems like everyone here is doing what they need to and are always smart about what we do.

1000 days- i go to school in upstate NY, dont really wanna disclose which on the large # of schools for safety reason, i do live on LI though when im not here.