Scar tissue


New member
I have a lot of scar tissue in some of my favourite injection sites..... It makes for some uncomfortable injects....

Do you guys get a massage therapist to work on your scar tissue?? Or does anyone have another way of getting rid of it??

And don't tell me not to inject there for a while..... that is the obvious solution..... but not what I am looking for.
i don't think a massage therapist can help with scar tissue, maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see how massaging could effect scar tissue
GetnBigr said:
i don't think a massage therapist can help with scar tissue, maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see how massaging could effect scar tissue

Not sure exactly how this works..... But I know it does....

A friend of mine who is pretty close to pro, told me his massage therapist does this for him.

My best guess is that by massaging the area, it would break down the scar tissue and allow it to heal faster....???? Just a guess....
Yes, my massaging an area with scar tissue it's supposed to break it down. Had to do so after surgery, doc's orders.
I heard laser and taking it out by cutting out the dead scar tissue by a Dr.
I heard Lyle Alzado had huge lumps removed from glutes.
crankin'stein said:
Not sure exactly how this works..... But I know it does....

A friend of mine who is pretty close to pro, told me his massage therapist does this for him.

My best guess is that by massaging the area, it would break down the scar tissue and allow it to heal faster....???? Just a guess....

I don't want no dude massaging my ass but I can't see it doing much good.
I read something in a magazine about that. It was called TRT. I forgot what it stood for but remembered that Milos Sarcev gets it done. Some sort of massage therapy to break down scar tissue.
Massage will break down the scar tissue.

Crank, there are female massage therapists out there, too, ya know. LOL.

Try using smaller volumes in each site. E.g., split a 3ml shot into two 1.5 ml shots on each side.

You could even do a 5 ml shot as four 1-1.5 ml shots in slighly different areas of the same muscle.

Also, if you've got little fat over the muscle, you can start the injection w/ the needle buried (use a 1.5incher) and then pull it out slightly duruing the inject (but not too far - leave it at least 0.5-.75 inches in the muscle) to spread the bolus over a larger volume of muscle. (Be careful - if you inject into the skin, yoiu're beggin' for an infection.)

Massage the area yourself. Follow with ice for 20 min.

Warm the oil before injecting - will let it go in faster and also the oil will be less viscous and disperse faster after injected.

Warm the area of injection before injecting - this will make the connective / scar tissue more pliable and let the needle and bolus go in easier.

All I can think of right now.

But for God's sake, don't rotate sites!!! LOL ;^)

homonunculus said:
Massage will break down the scar tissue.

Crank, there are female massage therapists out there, too, ya know. LOL.

Try using smaller volumes in each site. E.g., split a 3ml shot into two 1.5 ml shots on each side.

You could even do a 5 ml shot as four 1-1.5 ml shots in slighly different areas of the same muscle.

Also, if you've got little fat over the muscle, you can start the injection w/ the needle buried (use a 1.5incher) and then pull it out slightly duruing the inject (but not too far - leave it at least 0.5-.75 inches in the muscle) to spread the bolus over a larger volume of muscle. (Be careful - if you inject into the skin, yoiu're beggin' for an infection.)

Massage the area yourself. Follow with ice for 20 min.

Warm the oil before injecting - will let it go in faster and also the oil will be less viscous and disperse faster after injected.

Warm the area of injection before injecting - this will make the connective / scar tissue more pliable and let the needle and bolus go in easier.

All I can think of right now.

But for God's sake, don't rotate sites!!! LOL ;^)


LMAO! DG was the one who said he didn't want a guy massaging his ass.... I never said anything about the massage therapist being a guy..... I always go for a girl.... Having a guy do my massage is just uncomfortable....

And YES I rotate sites, but they all have a pretty good buildup of scar tissue now..... and I can't do glutes.... Did you think I meant that I inject in the same quad everytime and don't want to go anywhere else??? LOL I don't want to be lopsided....
Sorry crank - I was a little groggy when I posted that...

No, I figured you were doing the same site on both sides, but just for whatever reason were not rotating. (You said you weren't looking for that answer.)

I think if you do some of the things I mention (esp. use a smaller volume for each injection) you'll find that some of the scar tissue will resolve.

What sites do you rotate through?... Also, are you using stuff that irritates a lot?... The more it causes swelling / irritation, the more scar tissue (obviously)...

It's cool man.

Yeah I think maybe I should split my shots up.... Heres the status of my sites..... right now I rotate through quads, and delts...

I am shooting 2.5cc's twice a week.... I have just been too lazy to split it into two shots and go to my bi's or calves..... tho I might need to, as my scar tissue buildup is gettin uncomfortable...

The delts are not bad, but I am getting pissed because I leak out some oil after my shot.... and I hate losing any..... I go in an inch deep but it seems to leak everytime......

Thats about all.... I guess the verdict is, I should split the shots and go to the bi's or calves....

oh and it's test and deca....

I'd try using the new sites - bi's and calves. As long as you have cleaned your sites well, its OK to fill a 3ml syringe and just put in say 1ml at a time. I would just change the needle for each shot (same barrel for the 2.5ml, different needles for each shot).

As far as leaky oil, make sure your delt is relaxed by putting your arm up on a counter or table about chest high. Also, pull the needle out slowly. Also, if it is a shot where you purposefully leave some oil in the barrel (e.g., 1st ml of a 2.5ml total), aspirate after you've put in what you want to. Part of the leakiness (I think) is that after you've pushed the oil in, there's pressure in the muscle (d/t the bolus being there, and the tone in the muscle, and in your case, all the scar tissue) which prevents some oil from getting out of the pin. When you pull the needle out, the pressure is not there - the tip is out of the bolus of oil and near the surface, not even in the muscle. This is when the oil leaks out of the pin and then comes out the puncture at the surface.

Sounds like the t. and deca shouldn't be too irritating.

Hope this helps, man. Try all that other stuff, too, if you've got time.

Just me but...

I get a massage done called ART. It stand for active release technique. It is really painful, but it is supposed to break up scar tissue from surgeries and help the fascia stretch out in the process. I feel it does help with the build up you get in common inject sites, especially the quads.
Or just as Randy suggested, use less irritating oils and drop volume down per site. I remember hearing of a techniques some nurses use for the patients to reduce scar tissue build up. They basically pull the skin sideways and inject. When you let the skin go after the shot, it creates a zig-zag in the body. Both the surface hole and the hole at the end of the needle are about an inch apart after released. They said it keeps the fluid in and doesn't cause a straight line for build up to occur.

Just my .02 cents!
steelblazin you're correct the therapy is called ART. one of the powerlifters in the gym told me he has it done. he did say it is fairly painful because they're trying to break up the scar tissue.
Re: Just me but...

steelblazin said:

Or just as Randy suggested, use less irritating oils and drop volume down per site. I remember hearing of a techniques some nurses use for the patients to reduce scar tissue build up. They basically pull the skin sideways and inject. When you let the skin go after the shot, it creates a zig-zag in the body. Both the surface hole and the hole at the end of the needle are about an inch apart after released. They said it keeps the fluid in and doesn't cause a straight line for build up to occur.

Just my .02 cents!

Steel - great comment for thigh shots!!!

I didn't mention it before, but I do this for delt shots.

Since I can't reach up with the same hand to grab my skin on my delt, I just bite it with my teeth.

Looks a bit funny, but I've never lost a drop and only have a few bite marks.
