Sciroxx Labs, anyone have experience with their steroids?


Staff member
I am curious of what everyone thinks of the lab [FONT=tahoma, verdana, sans-serif]Sciroxx and how they liked their steroids and what exactly did you use[/FONT]​
I used them back when they were consistently good. Pretty heavy on the PIP but def good gear. I've heard they've gone down hill since, underdosing, underfilling vials, etc. This is only hearsay though. They were good when I used them but the prop is BRUTAL on the PIP.
That's all I used a few years back. They were top notch and K was excellent to deal with. They have been shit the last 3 years or so. Lots of fakes. I personally wouldn't touch the stuff anymore, especially if you have another source
i used their test e, deca, EQ, hex, dbol, drol, winny...... Lots of experience with their stuff.
I recently (6 months) got the Hexadex and aromadex.
Very pleased with both, especially the aromadex....
my issue was the packaging which I graded poorly in my review. The rep contacted me and the following orders were much better.
I've used them for several years now only using the 2 mentioned items.
hi bro accept my friend request

why do you keep posting in my threads asking for me to accept your friend request? I don't even know u bro so until theres an acquaintance request feature , no thanks lol
why do you keep posting in my threads asking for me to accept your friend request? I don't even know u bro so until theres an acquaintance request feature , no thanks lol

Presser... Do you want to come to my sisters wedding then go grab some dinner? Lol
maybe that's why he doesn't return my calls, sheesh bro I call you 20 times a day wth? We cant be friends? I PM'd you bro. :-)
Presser PM'ed me to tell me what a dumb ass I am.... (lol). I guess i should friend request him now!
Look gentlemen Presser is one man, only so much of him to go around!
I know see what you were talking about the other afternoon during the cricket game Presser GGGEEESSHHHHH