scuba diving


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Just a few pics from this weekend. We did 4 dives. 2 were shitty, but the last 2 were pretty good. We saw a good sized turtle, a shit load of fish, and a barracuda. Oh yeah, and I shaved my head.
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cool pics bro. I'd be scared of gettin eaten by a shark, lol
Nice pics man. I actually got certified once in anticipation of going to the beach. So I went to a very muddy lake in Oklahoma where you had to lock arms with the instructors so that you wouldn't get lost b/c the visibility was so low. Finished the course freezing my balls off. And didn't end up going to the beach. Never been since then, but looking at those pictures definitely makes me want to try it again.

Where were u at in those?
Thats awesome man, its so much fun scuba diving. Where all have you been man? My favorite place was Cozumel. 95 feet to the bottom and you could see it from water level. It was crystal clear.
ive never been in water that clear.
the gulf here is dirty and dark. I want to go to the bahamas so bad one day.