seen the doc


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havent been to the site for a while man this place has really blown up. so i was having wood issues , and sex drive issues, knowing ive used aas in the past (last cycle 1year ago) i went to the doc. they did bloodwork and said my free test is low (free 6.9 total 3.3) i guess my free is down lowest it should be is 7.8 . so the doc tells me im having depression issues (whatever) .my issue is should i go get a secondopinion or wait it out to see if i rebound. or take it in my own hands.
take it into ur own hands,lol, if your not planning on any kids or more kids then fuck it get on some shit

also good to see ya back
Yes get a second opinion from a doc that will offer a solution and not just say you are depressed. However, depression can occur in men with low test levels. You should be fully recovered from your cycle a year but may have done some permenant damage. You may have to consider HRT but I would look to get your natural levels back up first with a doctors help.
thanx presser, as far as having kids i already have half bball team ,no more needed there. you say a doc that will offer solutions what kind of doc is that .i went to a family practice and suprise suprise answer is depression. (not saying this isent a issue forsome those who have it should get the right treatment) but there quick to push it around here. any sugestions for type of doc?
Any doctor can help u but you have to find one that is open to HRT or treatment w/ HCG. An endocrinologist would be the specialist to see though.