Serequel- Any one take it before sleep?

Dean Destructo

New member
I take it for PTSD symptoms before bed. Anyone else take it? I just got prescribed? Any drug interaction I should know about?

Seems like it is safe with AAS, etc.
I’ve taken it to help me sleep and it made me miserable and groggy and I believe it messes with your blood sugar as far as drug interactions, I’m not sure bro.
Same. I tried taking a few times and it always made extraordinarily miserable.

I've heard good things about using it to help sleep after a full night of cocaine.
Never had to take it but I know a lot of people that use it for sleep.

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Never had to take it but I know a lot of people that use it for sleep.
Ive had friends who take and they let me bum a few for sleep as I'm insomnic, I would just nibble on one, maybe 2 pin heads and within 20 min I was absoluty comatose. But Id wake up few hrs later starving for anything in my fridge. My Dr told me many people gained weight while on it, I know use tranzodone 100 mq and its almost as good w/o the munchies .
Ive had friends who take and they let me bum a few for sleep as I'm insomnic, I would just nibble on one, maybe 2 pin heads and within 20 min I was absoluty comatose. But Id wake up few hrs later starving for anything in my fridge. My Dr told me many people gained weight while on it, I know use tranzodone 100 mq and its almost as good w/o the munchies .

Trazadone is on point.
Ive had friends who take and they let me bum a few for sleep as I'm insomnic, I would just nibble on one, maybe 2 pin heads and within 20 min I was absoluty comatose. But Id wake up few hrs later starving for anything in my fridge. My Dr told me many people gained weight while on it, I know use tranzodone 100 mq and its almost as good w/o the munchies .

Munchies are always a deal breaker for me when trying to keep my diet in weed for me!! anyone have any advise on the munchies ( I may just start another thread on this subject, don't want to hijack)
Try getting trazodone. It works pretty good. I use 100mg, plus 15mg melatonin, and 2tbsp zquil. I sleep pretty good like this