Sex while she's on the rag......

Yeah Wolf, just go for it...I've done it with a few does feel a little weird but it's all good. Just lay a towel down and make sure she's not in the peak time of her bleeding and you'll be straight.
i've seen both ends of the spectrum, little blood to fucking gusher type freddy kruger shit.had it from my neck to my legs, she was a squirter to say the least.good thing i was nicely g'd up.:D
Are you trying to tell me women bleed at certain times of the month???? My wife never does this - I will admit she is latex, but still......
There is a feminene hygine thing called "Instead". It fits behind the cervix just like a diaphram. You can have intercourse with it, and not even know your girl has her period. I have used it with my hubby. Your girl would want to wash up and change it before any sex though. My husband could feel the device sometimes, but not badly enough to want to stop or anything. I swear on this type of feminene hygine thing. I can bet if she used it, you would never even know that she even has her period at all.

I am not sure if there is info on it on the internet or not. Remember it is called "Instead".
definitely use a towel or two so the cops have evidence, your dna etc., you can never tell how messy it can get, nor how long you might be up to it that night, and it can get messy as in a big big bulls-eye on the white sheets

never stopped me
I guess i'm just a chicken about that, but i'll just stick to getting blowjobs while it's that time of the month.

That just sounds a little gross getting up afterwards and having to wash off blood, and then finding blood all over the sheets etc...

sort of a mood killer to me....
A lot of women love to have sex when they have there period. If it's not the first or second day you will probably see nothing. Just do it pussy,lol.
my2rotties said:
There is a feminene hygine thing called "Instead". It fits behind the cervix just like a diaphram. You can have intercourse with it, and not even know your girl has her period. I have used it with my hubby. Your girl would want to wash up and change it before any sex though. My husband could feel the device sometimes, but not badly enough to want to stop or anything. I swear on this type of feminene hygine thing. I can bet if she used it, you would never even know that she even has her period at all.

I am not sure if there is info on it on the internet or not. Remember it is called "Instead".

My wife has these (its those rubber cup things right?)...sometimes I feel it when pushing, but most of the time it's like it's not even there. Worth looking into.
I am one of the lucky one that only has my "friend" for about two days. I could take or leave sex at these times, but the Instead cup makes things much easier and always clean. My husband can feel it a little bit at times, but it is a small price to pay for no clean up or mess.
JUST RUN THAT RED LIGHT MAN......its no big deal...some of the best sex is when the light is red, lick it.screw the shit out of it...and dont neglect her ass hole!! jump in the shower afterwards and dont for get to wash the towel she lays on afterwards.....PERIOD.....(pun intended)