
Ghb is some nasty tasting shit. Pretty hard to slip that to someone. Half a cap full will make a full glass of coca cola taste like shit. But if you can get it past her, you're in for sure!

Agreed, I used to take it years ago when I drank to enjoy the feeling. It's weird how that stuff works on women, but for most men it won't put you out.
It all depends on which lady you are talking about...IMHO everyone should keep at least one on the hook that is a complete freak and is down for whatever with just a phone call. It helps my relationships stay together, lol!!! ;)
It all depends on which lady you are talking about...IMHO everyone should keep at least one on the hook that is a complete freak and is down for whatever with just a phone call. It helps my relationships stay together, lol!!! ;)

The best part is when they know the situation and take it for what it's worth. I used to have one that didn't care about a relationship and knew she'd never be anything more than a booty call and was fine with that until she developed feelings then it all changed
Yes it is...I have one right now who knows her place and my situation. I got the feeling she was starting to get a little too close a couple of weeks ago so I cut her off for a bit. Talked to her again over the weekend at a party we were both at and she had a female "friend" with her there. Needless to say I was a bit drunk and apparently I decided to let them know what I would like to do with both of a call the next day wanting to know when we were going to do this and the kicker is I have no recollection of what it is that I said, so it was a nice surprise for me!!! But U r very def correct man
At this point in our marriage we finally really know what is enjoyable mutually and it wasn't easy. Sex is sucking great, I know she isn't going to give in on anal anytime soon but I love my sex life now.

I think more that my wife satisfies me with is treating me like a man and her being submissive and knowing her roll at home. Sex is hot as hell but having your woman treat you like a king and have her like it is just as great.
Agreed, I used to take it years ago when I drank to enjoy the feeling. It's weird how that stuff works on women, but for most men it won't put you out.

Yeah, a little too much and girls drop to their knees and miss themselves. I heardGNC used to sell it, when did that stop?
well cialis is debated to work for women too, not libido wise but changes the same type of tissues in the similar fashions, the only difference is a woman could have a hard clit and not care, where as if a guy has a hard on it's like a gambler at a race track that just found a 50, with 15 minutes left to bet... That 50 is goin into something
Absolutely no problems here. Silk wants to have sex AT LEAST as much as I do. I've had problems with being raw at times. After we had sex last night (eventually I had to tap out) she was looking up how to have sex on the stripper pole we just got
Stripper pole/corvettes/ great sex. I hate you so much sometimes, lol. Damn bro, you got it too good. Count your blessings, nice life you got there.
Stripper pole/corvettes/ great sex. I hate you so much sometimes, lol. Damn bro, you got it too good. Count your blessings, nice life you got there.

Lol!! There was a LONG TIME that things were not good. I'm sure you remember that. I'm always thankful.
well cialis is debated to work for women too, not libido wise but changes the same type of tissues in the similar fashions, the only difference is a woman could have a hard clit and not care, where as if a guy has a hard on it's like a gambler at a race track that just found a 50, with 15 minutes left to bet... That 50 is goin into something

A hard clit on a woman would have the same appearance as bigghorn's hard dick