Short cycles and big dosages


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What do you guys think about shorter cycles but with big dosages. For example 2000 mgs of test a week for 4 weeks.
dont like it not giving yourself much time to grow. I dont care what anyone says the real great gains from long estered test dont hit me till at least 2 weeks in. Unless you were running that much Prop i wouldnt like it. But if your wanting to experiment thats your call.
I would agree. A short cycle of that amount would have to be at least 8 weeks.
What kind of test were you thinking of using? For me the longer estered tests dont fully kick in til week 3 or 4.....and I have had much better gains with longer cycles.
Why not LARGE Dosing for a FULL LENGTH!? That is the BEST way to go about thing IMO.. but we all have our own takes on it.. everyone's AAS Experience is just that.. THEIR OWN UNIQUE EXPERIENCE !!

What works for me, may NOT work for you, or may work BETTER for you than it does me...

That's what makes this lifestyle so great; So many options, so many ways to learn how to develop the body you want/need to compete in a sport OR to look the way you wanna look..
I think sust would be a waste at that or any dosage for only 4 weeks.... I would say lower the dosage and extend the length of the cycle.
I am going to have to Agree with MR. BIGS on this one.. Extend it to at LEAST 8 weeks with Sust.. That way you have at least ONE of the esters working up to 11 weeks...


Sustaplex325 IS THE BALLZ !! It is so strong and potent.. I love it.. I am rocking 1ml EOD right now, and thinking of Jumping it to 1ml ED and stopping the Norma Test E.. Just because
To Deuce: why such a small dose. LOL. I get high blood pressure thinking about that. Do you take bp meds or a diuretic?
What do you guys think about shorter cycles but with big dosages. For example 2000 mgs of test a week for 4 weeks.

in theory you will still have 3-4 weeks afterward for the halfs to be back to zero.....i personally think it's too much of a rollercoaster to the system to be effective......Paul Borreson (r.i.p.) was an advocate of massive doses for very short term 2-4 weeks per compound and rotating compounds frequently although i've never heard of any successful bodybuilding actually using this approach
lots of gear till you feel fatigue or your bp starts getting out of control.

thats what im doing....