Shoulder Pain (AGAIN!!!!!!)


New member
Brief history------Had surgery in 2009 for a torn labrum. Did physical therapy for 6 months following. Started lifting again 10 months post surgery. Slow steady gains came. Started on 200 mg cyp 1yr post surgery. No problems until recently after hitting pr of 315. Shoulder has been killing me now for 3 months. Went to ortho Doc, xrays revealed 2 bone spurs, arthritis and tendonitis in the same shoulder with the repaired labrum. Took oral cortisone for one week. No results, still hurting. Go back to Doc in 2 weeks. Said he'd order an MRI if pain is still persistent. WTF, never felt anything while lifting, no pop no strain. Worked hard for this pr, hate like hell to loose it. Any suggestions?
You are going to have to address the bone spurs. Most likely the doc can go in and grind them down. Should be a relatively easy procedure that will not require much, if any, rehab. We all develop arthritis at some stage in our life. Maybe cortisone injections could help.
Thy DMSO it worked wonders for some rotator cuff problems I had during my powerlifting days.
Brief history------Had surgery in 2009 for a torn labrum. Did physical therapy for 6 months following. Started lifting again 10 months post surgery. Slow steady gains came. Started on 200 mg cyp 1yr post surgery. No problems until recently after hitting pr of 315. Shoulder has been killing me now for 3 months. Went to ortho Doc, xrays revealed 2 bone spurs, arthritis and tendonitis in the same shoulder with the repaired labrum. Took oral cortisone for one week. No results, still hurting. Go back to Doc in 2 weeks. Said he'd order an MRI if pain is still persistent. WTF, never felt anything while lifting, no pop no strain. Worked hard for this pr, hate like hell to loose it. Any suggestions?

that sucks bro, best of luck to ya
I don't know about bone spurs, but I can tell you, I had a torn labrum and MC's IGF helped me get over it. I used in my shoulders on workout days and dropped back to lighter weights and worked back up and haven't had any pain since. I'd definitely give it a try if you've tried everything else.
I don't know about bone spurs, but I can tell you, I had a torn labrum and MC's IGF helped me get over it. I used in my shoulders on workout days and dropped back to lighter weights and worked back up and haven't had any pain since. I'd definitely give it a try if you've tried everything else.

HUH? I didn't hear you, can you repeat that lmao!!!
Update from Ortho Doc... told me that my shoulder pain was due to arthritis. Gave me a shot of cortisone in the posterior shoulder into capsule. Also said that heavy weights should be avoided, (no more than body weight). WTF, needless to say after reaching my pr, I'm not going to stop with heavy lifting. Pain is still there but manageable with ibuprofen and the shot. Doc told me that my shoulder would dictate the amount of weight it can stand. What say you all? I'd rather deal with the pain vs. being weak.
How old are you, if you dont mind me asking? As far as shoulder pain and lifting it sucks, if you F up your shoulder your done, and not just at the gym, just raising comb or raising your arm over head can be a painful chore, my point is take your shoulder health very seriously,
Trust me I know where your coming from, my right shoulder gives my some pains, so I avoid exercises that are known shoulder killers, like Ox51 said try MC IGF, its great stuff and will def aid in recovery, and do your HW on how to avoid shoulder injuries. Nest of Luck bro,