Shoulder Pain


New member
I injured my shoulder last year doing db military press last year. I have been experiencing shoulder problems when lifting weights. When I do light 20lbs sitting bicep curls I can feel a light pain in my shoulders. I have an appointment in a few weeks to see a doctor. In the mean time, is there any exercise I can do to help my shoulders? My coworker had shoulder surgury a few years back and the doc told him to use something call body blade ( Will this work?

I wouldn't touch anything like that until you've seen a doctor. If you're still having pain a year later you probably have a serious injury and not something that a gimmick as seen on TV product is going to fix. Stay away from crap like that and see a real doctor.
in my 20 years of lifting.... every shoulder pain i've had has gone away over time. When i was hurt, i stayed off it.

Now that im not hurt, when doing shoulders, I've learned to keep the weight down, reps up. Now, no problems.

Btw... IGF does wonders.
IGF = Insulin-like Growth Factor

It can speed up the healing of injuries like you describe.
I wouldn't touch anything like that until you've seen a doctor. If you're still having pain a year later you probably have a serious injury and not something that a gimmick as seen on TV product is going to fix. Stay away from crap like that and see a real doctor.

I would agree, bump that.
does any type of shoulder press hurt? i.e. machines, barbbell, changing hand grip so palms face inward?
When I do shoulder press I do feel a little pinch. If I do barbell bicep curls I also feel pain. If I change my grip to sitting bicep inward I dont feel it much but if palms facing out I do feel the pain. Whats your diagnosis doc? lol
I have bad shoulders and do arnold presses instead of straight military presses. I saw the infomercial on the body blade. I wouldn't buy it personally.
When I do shoulder press I do feel a little pinch. If I do barbell bicep curls I also feel pain. If I change my grip to sitting bicep inward I dont feel it much but if palms facing out I do feel the pain. Whats your diagnosis doc? lol

you sound like me... you most certainly can train around it. Be careful with things like bench press. Make sure you start light, have a spotter as you get heavy.

this is ofcourse if you dont want to see a doc just yet.
I have a torn labrum you may have one too, due to doing heavy dumbell presses its probaly what you have def. check with your doc. bro.
Im a huge advocate of therabands and proper slow controlled reps to strengten inner shoulder and rotator cuff muscles. Ive had my subscap completely reattached and this has helped me tremendously.
So I went to the doctor on Monday

15 minutes filling out paper work
20 minutes waiting in a private room for the doctor to arrive
3 minutes prognoses

Priceless...wait...I mean WORTHLESS.

He said I have Tendonitis and rushes me off to one of his physical therapist locations.
So I went to the doctor on Monday

15 minutes filling out paper work
20 minutes waiting in a private room for the doctor to arrive
3 minutes prognoses

Priceless...wait...I mean WORTHLESS.

He said I have Tendonitis and rushes me off to one of his physical therapist locations.

Was there an MRI done? Then how does he know there is not further damage in your shoulder? Torn labrum, rotator cuff?

Dr's are clueless. Very Very few I trust.

If it is tendinitis IGF has done wonders for the tendinitis I have in my forearm. I have had pain for the past two years in the "Tommy john" tendon.

IGF made the pain go away to the point its not noticeable.

Worth a try my friend.
That is the F up part.

I went to this doctor in June and he took x-rays, BUT he never went over the xrays with me. He sent me to an orthopedic. I went to the other doctor and I took my xray with me and he just looked at it for a few seconds. He had me put my hands out while he held the wrist and said push against it then said I have tendintis. I could not believe these doctors.
If you have good insurance, tell the doc you want an MRI, and if he doesnt give you one, find a doc who will, shouldnt be hard. MRI will tell exactly whats wrong, x rays dont show that much. I had a torn labrum along with some other stuff wrong, had surgery September 2nd. Go get it checked out. If its not to bad then maybe just do some rehab and cortizone shot.