Shoulder pain...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Well, I've partially torn both rotator cuffs in the past and they've both been holding up nicely, that is until yesterday. I can't think of what I did to bother my right one, but I'm in terrible pain now. The only thing I did different than normal yesterday was that I spread my arms out wider than usual when I was squatting. I'm not sure if that caused the pain, but it's been killing me since last night and I squatted around noon yesterday so it took several hours for the pain to surface if that's what even did it. My shoulder kinda feels like it needs to pop, but I've tried popping it and it won't pop and just hurts worse. I've been taking ibuprofen like a fiend today and that's masked the pain slightly, but it's still bad and I can't fucking sleep now. Do you guys know of anything else to do to mask the pain, would heat or a cold compress work?
Well, I've partially torn both rotator cuffs in the past and they've both been holding up nicely, that is until yesterday. I can't think of what I did to bother my right one, but I'm in terrible pain now. The only thing I did different than normal yesterday was that I spread my arms out wider than usual when I was squatting. I'm not sure if that caused the pain, but it's been killing me since last night and I squatted around noon yesterday so it took several hours for the pain to surface if that's what even did it. My shoulder kinda feels like it needs to pop, but I've tried popping it and it won't pop and just hurts worse. I've been taking ibuprofen like a fiend today and that's masked the pain slightly, but it's still bad and I can't fucking sleep now. Do you guys know of anything else to do to mask the pain, would heat or a cold compress work?

bro i just bought a bottle of 300 gel cap ibuprofen three weeks ago and they are gone as of today, been popping 5 at a time 3 times daily on top of my pain meds the gave me and the fector patches dont do shit either, so wish i could help ya cause i havent found shit to mask my pain worth a shit, then again we have differnet injurys, but if ur talking over the counter shit to help ur shit out of luck, lots of heat bro and get an mri
Bro I have injuried both of my shoulders this year and too afraid to see a doc due to him saying I may not be able to compete. But to help you out, what I did was use ibuprofen then some pain killers if you can get your hands on them. I attempt to strech, then rub bare ice on my shoulders for about 10 to 20 minutes then finish it off with night time bengay or biofreeze same thing as bengay but stronger. Then everyday after workouts go through a routine of restrengthing the rotator cuffs with dumbbells and cables. This seem to be the only thing that help me hope this helps you bro.
Ice ice ice.
30 mins on. 1 hr off. A fresh injury will swell and swelling causes pain so for the first week go with ice and no heat. If you can get ahold of celebrex it will prob help. Its a non narcotic anti inflammatory.
A lot of times a proximal biceps tendon rupture goes in conjunction w/ a torn cuff. Patients complain of feeling somethibg 'extra' in their shoulder w/ that injury. Is that what you mean by it needs to pop?
Either way only an mri will tell for sure
To be honest, I'm scared to get an mri again. I don't want to hear the bad news if there is any. I iced it last night and today it seems to be less painful, but I still can't move it around like normal without any pain. As far as "the pop" I was talking about I was meaning like how you can crack your knuckles and back, but with the shoulders, you just move it around the joint until it kinda pops. Not like popping in and out of the joint, but just like it's stuck in a certain position and needs to moved around within the joint. It's hard to explain on here.

I have a good bit of biofreeze on hand so I'll try that before I go to bed. Ibuprofen has been my good friend so far as unless I get a script for pain meds, I can't take them (drug tests regularly).
Hmm. Sounds like a labral tear but hard to tell. It wont heal on its own but the pain will subside over time if thats the case. It may be an old injury related to ur cuff tear and it was just reaggrevated.
Yea, I know I should go to the doc to find out, but I'm stubborn. I broke my humerus in the same arm so it could be that I've been focusing too much on that arm to bring it up and possibly have been over-doing it. The thing that is weird to be is that I trained early and had no pain then about 8 hours later the pain came. I mean I was at work lifting some stuff, but I never felt any pain then either. But once I left work like 15 minutes later I couldn't lift my arm. I'm now getting some ROM back, but it's not without pain. I'm really hoping it's like a sprain or pain from overuse or something simple and not a tear or something serious.
I hope so too for your sake bro. Ice that fucker religiously and it'll improve faster.
I see pain patients at the hospital. Mostly chemo though. I can tell you that using Motrin 400-800mg every 6hrs around the clock (with food) and tylenol 650mg every 6 hours around the clock works synergistically. They work great together. Any anti-imflamatory will help like naproxen . All really the same. If your talking presciption, there is obviously better. the guys here are right. Ice that bitch. I have major shoulder issues. I had one operated on so I know EXCATLY how you feel. It hurts me the worst when I sl;eep bc I want to sleep on my side. I use Tramadol script and works best for me. Good luck bro
I've heard that tylenol and motrin work great together from a doctor who's friends with my dad. He swears by it for most pain over any script that he gives out so I'll definitely go buy some today and see how that helps out. The ibuprofen and ice has done wonders so far today. I'm half scared to go to the gym because it feels good, but I don't know if I should try to lift anything yet or give it until next week to see. Last time I hurt my shoulder and got a cortisone shot and then went and lifted because I felt good I ended up doing more damage and that's what I fear will happen again
You would know a proximal bicep tear!! A couple years ago I had some weird shoulder issues like that. I could barely move my right arm at the shoulder. I iced it and took a few days off. Haven't had a problem since. It was excruciating though. I've been fortunate to never have had any serious shoulder issues. If it continues, suck it up and get an MRI and get it fixed. I'd rather be out of commission for a few weeks, then a few months to get back than to be at 75% or less for the rest of my life. All of my injuries that could be repaired were. My pec was a rupture and unable to be repaired.... that injury changed my life as vain as that sounds. It has me considering implants.
Biofreeze is some great stuff. I partially tore the labrum in my left shoulder and I really think IGF helped it heal up. I'm back to benching 250 for reps with no shoulder pain.
Yea, I'm going to try the IGF on my shoulder this weekend without lifting and see if it'll help out. It's feeling a lot better, nearly no pain, but I haven't lifted since it started hurting