shoulder presses--which is the one that works best?

tuned up

New member
if you could only do 1 of these 2 which would it be;
dumbells or seated milatary?
I,m leaning towards seated milatarys cause i can press more weight
that quick respone is preety cool--I,m in the middle of my workout leading up to shoulder presses and i couldn,t decide--now i know --milatarys--perfect timing--thanks
Since I did them last night I want to throw in machine seated presses. At our gym I sit backwards in the seat as I hit the delts better that way.
I prefer dumbells because I have a problem with my right shoulder and with dumbells my left can't compensate. I tend to tip the weight a little with the barbell, its not pretty.
i like d.b. work because of the isolation you get from them. Both are good. How about adding in a clean and press or standinf barbell military press.
seated on a slight incline for back support d.b. good too. behind the neck is not as safe due to a unnatural movement with heavy wieght after many years I found that out the hard way.
Seated Military I can really add the weigth
Dumbbells- great feel and less restictive
Standing military- different feel and pull stabilizer muscle in

try to do 2 workouts of seated then switch to dumbell or standing then back to seated
anvil said:
seated on a slight incline for back support d.b. good too. behind the neck is not as safe due to a unnatural movement with heavy wieght after many years I found that out the hard way.

very true! i like the slight incline too.
Redrocks said:
I prefer dumbells because I have a problem with my right shoulder and with dumbells my left can't compensate. I tend to tip the weight a little with the barbell, its not pretty.

Redrocks, you're always pretty when you lift... (Except when you get that "Popeye" look... ;^) )

Centaur said:
I'd go with DB's ..........last chance of injuring the rotary cuff muscles :thumbsup:

i like bells too. it's the best way to isolate each side as opposed to a barbell where one side could dominate the other. Bells wrk great with rehab too.