Shoulder workout tonight!!! yeah yeah Yeah! Looking for New Exercises


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I love doing shoulders! However I have been stagnant in the sense that i have been doing the same exercises for shoulders for a long time now!

I also train my traps with shoulders now but i use to train them on back days.

Anyone have any UNCONVENTIONAL shoulder exercises they want to share with me as I would like to incorporate some new exercises in my shoulder routine tonight!

I usualy do this:


Front delts on seated hammer machine

shoulder presses on hammer machine

Side delts with dumbells and with seated side raises

rear delts with dumbells leaning forward while sitting on bench and sometimes reverse pec dec

and I like to end with up right rows on the smith machine if I have anything left in the tank

So thats what i do for shoulders , so if anyone has any new exercises or unconventional exercises for shoulders please do tell!
Grab a pair of fairly light dumbells and a pair of moderately heavy (I use 15s and 30s) do 10 reps of the 15s super strict and without resting grab the 30s and do 10 reps with a little more heave...repeat for 10 minutes without stopping.
i like to grab the rope between my legs facing away from the cables and do like a two arm front raise. i do that at the end of my shoulder routine
I'll grab a 45 lb plate and do something similar to 21s.. 7 half way up, 7 half way down, 7 full length. Sometimes to start as a warm up, sometimes to just finish em off
Well I missed my shoulder worout, so ill be banging out shoulders this evening! I might try something new mentioned here not sure though i was hoping for something way different i have never done before
I used to do Partial Clean and Presses. It's basically an upright row into an overhead shoulder press. I would upright row to my chest then roll my wrists to wear I can press it over my head after that. It crushed my shoulders.
try what im currently doing right now

usually we all start with laterals just to warm up then go right to presses.
for the past 2 months ive been working my shoulders like this

warmup- 30 fronts,30 sides, 30 rears (15lb dumbells all in a row)
4 sets of rears- 3 heavy then last one light with high reps
4 sets of sides- 3 heavy then last one light with high reps
4 sets HEAVY presses
2 sets medium weight high reps front raises

this was you have more support in your shoulders when you start your presses, since ive been doing my strength has went WAY up in my shoulders
thanks, i wound up doing the same shit i always do for the most part other then a few changes, got a killer workout though but still need to incorporate some new stuff
I do most of my shoulder stuff standing. Standing Barebell Shoulder press is my fav. Typically 80-95% of 1RM. I also do standing one arm db shoulder press for higher reps 15-20, it really pumps up the front delt and works the offside oblique really good! I also do cable and/or db side raises and my fav rear delt is using s neutral grip attachment on the lat pulldown machine and really focus on the rear delt doing all the work til the last squeeze when I incorporate the upper rhomboids.