(SIATICA) I am Messed, No more training for a while.


New member
Sciatica is a nerve condition, in which your sciatic nerve is messed up, my back hurts a lot and the pain shoots down the leg up to the toes and my toes stay numb.

I cannot train for a atleast 3-6 months , i am hoping everything to be better. the doctor recommended me to loose as much as weight i can and my nerve will heel faster because there will be less pressure on the nerve from the spine.

So i decided to do a ketogenic diet ( Atkins)

i cannot even do my fun cycle anymore.
i hate my primary docter, he didnt do shit he didnt even recommend me anything nor did he try to diagnose it just recommended me to the specialist. But i spoke to the radiologist and as i suspected i had sciatica.
younggunz88 said:
Sciatica is a nerve condition, in which your sciatic nerve is messed up, my back hurts a lot and the pain shoots down the leg up to the toes and my toes stay numb.

I cannot train for a atleast 3-6 months , i am hoping everything to be better. the doctor recommended me to loose as much as weight i can and my nerve will heel faster because there will be less pressure on the nerve from the spine.

So i decided to do a ketogenic diet ( Atkins)

i cannot even do my fun cycle anymore.

I had a similar problem, and the docs gave me an injection of triamcinolone. The pain from my sciatic nerve was gone within 3 days.
I just recovered from that and I know from experience that it is extremely painful. The best medicine is rest, heat, and if it is not too painful, stretching. It took me about a month and a half to recover, but I still get some nagging pain every once and a while. Good luck bro!!
I feel for you brother. I've had the same pain do to a slipped disk (L5). I go for surgery in 7 days. Finally get back to the gym soon after being out for 9 months. Keep me posted........I've felt the same pain!
sorry bros havent replied for a while the pain get extremely bad at night. but i am hanging in their, am goin to the specialist in 2 weeks so am gonna find out what is gonna happen.

did u fellows workout during the sciatic problem.

my concern is that i am getting fat as hell, i am probably in 25% bf range, so i need to loose fat, and it is hard to diet with school in my way.
ive had sciatica for about 12 years. ive been to sports docs, neurologists, chiros, rheumatolists, and physical therpists. ive had dozens of x-rays and MRIs. i still havent found out what is causing the pain or a way to eliminate it.

i just learned to deal with the pain.