yeah it should, if not i need to get surgery, but they said it should heal fine, i still have this fucking infection in my head though now day 21 lol, im hoping now that the abcess infection is gone, which i didnt know about until i went to dentist, anyhow im hoping the rest of the infection goes away, they have me on levaquan or some crazy shit, i think the infection in my sinuses is now draining out better, and not stuck up there behind the abcess tooth which was blocking it and making the infection worse,

anyways only been since thursday evening since the pulled the upper back moler and been on new antibiotics, so im hoping it starts to get better soon, the fucking sinus infection yellow gunk smells like a rodent died inside my fucking nose lol, im afraid to talk to people lol, i dont want them smelling it lol, wife says she cant smell it, and its just a smell i have in my nose from the infection, but im still leary of even talking to someone , thats how bad this sinus infection smells to me
well, went to ENT dr, had sinuses camera scoped, and now need a fucking ct scan of my head, still sick since January 31st, were now in March, so yeah not cool! its just a sinus thing now, and of course they could not get my ct scan scheduled until next week lmao, i mean wtf, its only been since January i been sick, no rush lol, assholes!

anyways, thats my updates,
Oh my god Bro... this shit is crazy! Did they speculate as to what caused it? Thats some serious shit... having an infection up there for so long can do some very serious damage Bro... I haven't been to a dentist in like 15 years and I haven't had a cavity in like 20. I know I should go for cleanings and such... but other than you taking it upon yourself why didn't the other Dr's diagnose this? It could have developed pockets of necrotic tissue and they may need to get up there to clear it out... shit I don't even want to think of what would've happened in 2 more weeks. I hope you get some good news and get back on your feet soon.
yeah well i wont know shit until next weeks ct scan and then next day dr appt where he will give me the results, and all i can say is this shit is fucking nasty!
Did they put you back on antibiotics or at least a shot of penicillin until then?
Did they put you back on antibiotics or at least a shot of penicillin until then?

nope, they said until they got the culture sample back and knew what it was they wouldnt put me on any more antibiotics!

CT Scan is tomorrow and then my ENT dr appt is the next day, so lets hope i dont have a brain tumor, cancer, or anything that can kill me lmao!

For the record, i still have a nasty fucking tasting, smelling yellow infection coming out of my sinuses , and its taking its toll on me big time, my weight has dropped nearly 10lbs since it started back on January 31st, and it shows!
nope, they said until they got the culture sample back and knew what it was they wouldnt put me on any more antibiotics!

CT Scan is tomorrow and then my ENT dr appt is the next day, so lets hope i dont have a brain tumor, cancer, or anything that can kill me lmao!

For the record, i still have a nasty fucking tasting, smelling yellow infection coming out of my sinuses , and its taking its toll on me big time, my weight has dropped nearly 10lbs since it started back on January 31st, and it shows!
This is some crazy shit you have brutha
LOL, You have no Idea! lmao, longest ive ever been sick! and truth be told, this one is starting to scare me!
The Dr's and their magic 8 ball will figure it out. All kidding aside my mom's been sick for years (not the same as yours). I got tired of it and went off on her dr. She told me that's why they call it practicing medicine, no joke!
yeah, well got CT scan yesterday, seen the ENT specialist today, he didnt have the fucking ct scan yet, only got the report, so he hasnt seen it himself, but the report says this I have sinus cancer and should have died 3 weeks ago ,

Ok the report did NOT say that, but that was my biggest fear waiting for the dr today, and having him tell me i had sinus cancer. Anyways, the report said i still have bad inflamation of the sinuses (no shit) and if it isnt better in 2 weeks i need surgery, which surgery in your sinus nasal cavity does not sound fun!

They put me on my 4th different antibiotic this one called Bactrim and some steroid prednisone ,

so thats my fucking update, now go fuck yourselves, Oh and thnx for listening lmao
Oh my God, i cant believe i almost forgot to share this fucking gem of a stroy! SO the entire ride to the Doctors office to get ct scan results, my stomach was in knots! worried i had cancer or some rare nasal bug that eats at you until you die, ya know the normal worries , so anyhow i get to the dr office, and i have to take a shit, and im talking the biblical type, so im in there for a solid 25 minutes, im sure the stench is seeping out from under the 3 fucking inch gap under the bathroom door, and i finally finish, and the entire bowl is covered in shit from it swirling around and around scraping the sides, as im flushing, some lady knocks on the door, so now i know someone is coming in right behind me, and the entire bowl is covered in shit scrapings, so what do i do you ask right?

well i do what any sane person would do, i grab a bunch of toilet papaer and wrap it around my hand as thick as possible, i flush the toilet again, and just as the water is emptying out , i stick my hand down there and try scrubbing the shit off the bowl before the toilet bowl fills back up with water, lmao, and i wasnt fast enough to get it all, so i proceed to flush and fast scrub the bowl two more times, lmao, but i got that fucker clean! lol,

and then i went back and waited in my seat until the nurse called me back, lmao, thats how my day went thus far
get well soon brother , I had similar infection really high temp 104 it would rose up abd them I'll start sweating like literly had to change cloths 3 times every time I sweat , similar symptoms
mucus ( green yellowish )
chest congestion
ears nose blocked
I wad on antibiotics as well plus every 8 hours two paracetamol had this for abt 8 to 9 days
what really granges my symptom was I doubled the intake of my water 5 litres at least and start drinking luke warm water and steam inhaling 3 times daily with menthol crusted ot vicks , got real weak dropped luke 6 kgs , abd I was in between my cycle lol straight after sick feeling gone added igf 1 lr3 and within 10 days 3 kg recovered already and I'm not taking igf on my off days
the only positive of this sickness wad my abs got more promenent lol
take cate bro the and get well soon