sick, retarded F*&@k

  • Thread starter Thread starter TheElmo
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OMG! that has got to be the stupidest thing I've seen in my entire life. This guy needs to be found and destroyed, I'm immediately putting out a hit on him so that he is killed and buried ASAP. I'm calling on The Jacket to take him out so that he doesn't give bodybuilders a bad name although I think too many people will probably see this before we can wipe the guy out.
That's just stupid. How the hell are you supposed to throw a punch with arms like that?
see mike thats what pisses me off the most. This shit for brains is not even a body builder. He is just your avererage lookind. I wish one of navy seal snipers would grab his .50 cal riffle and go to on this assholes arms :curse:
give me a break that's like a costume or something-nobody it stupid enough to get breast implants in their fucking arms :moon:
The first thing I thought was 'this shit has to be photoshopped. no person in their right fucking mind would do that to themselves". What the hell is his motivation for doing this.
He is pulling that truck, lol. That just looks unhealthy.
Has to be a photoshop or pro-make up/costume. Has to be. I refuse to believe that there is an asshole out there that big. If there is then I am sure he just signed a "get no pussy" for the rest of my life warrant!
That looks real to me. I saw some other pics with a guy who had the same type of mass.
Unbelievable how nasty that is. His arms looks like the lower legs of a 45 year-old massively fat lady (viens, bruising) NASTY!!!
i wish it was fake but unfortunately I think this guy really did that to himself... it really looks disturbing. He probably just did it as a stunt to get some exposure and he'll probably stop if he knows what's good for him. The skin on his arms will never be the same...
it looks like the skin on his arms is dying. Nothing says sexy like gangreene (sp?)
and i did a little research he is 25 years old and has the biggest biceps in the world currently. He is going for a world record there. he had to pull that truck like 15 meters or something...its a semi truck so i have to give him that. So nice job to Peter Hiesinger.....ass clown!