Sit ups or crunches....

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I don't really do anything for abs and a lot of people at my gym think it's weird that I still have nice abs without really doing much. I just don't see the point in doing something that'll eventually cause your midsection to get larger and take away from the X frame, what's there isn't going anywhere, since you use your abs in a lot of exercises and lifts so I just don't do them, anyone else feel this way?
To see your abs everyone knows u just need to be lean.. I train them more for
Core stability and strength. I feel it helps my other lifts be stronger
I do some reverse crunches and a few crunches during the week. I don't go nuts but I think keeping your core strong will help from some back injury as well.
Yea, I mean I know having a strong core is important, my abs are still solid, but I just don't go as crazy as normal. I used to train abs all the time, but not much at all anymore, I guess it probably wouldn't hurt to train them every once in a while