Site enhancing oil question.

Glen Whitestone

New member
Sytherol-What besides possible scaring or uneven gains are the sides? Can you drink on the stuff or do you have to lay off the booze and take some milk thistle and or crap like that?
Im sure you could drink man since it has no ester or real compound attached to it its just oil. Your best bet for it is to be on when you do it though because youll be in a better anabolic state. I havent heard much of sides at all man just scare tissue and some swelling and possible bruising after a few weeks so long sleeves may be required for a couple weeks lol.
Bump MMX2's comment. If you're careful, you won't become uneven. Scarring can result, but if you keep massaging really good, you'll keep that to a minimum. There are no sides or reactions with anything else, so no worries.
Im doing it right now glen. To answer your question, no- there is no liver damage, you can drink. Its just an oil that will not dissipate for a while if injected into the muscle. Its smooth and painless. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>


Its suppost to be used in an ideal anabolic environment though. So your suppose to start the injections while on cycle. That way the muscle replaces the oil once the oil dissipates.
Gbart said:
Im sure you could drink man since it has no ester or real compound attached to it its just oil. Your best bet for it is to be on when you do it though because youll be in a better anabolic state. I havent heard much of sides at all man just scare tissue and some swelling and possible bruising after a few weeks so long sleeves may be required for a couple weeks lol.

thats exactly what i would have said well put G
check out Big A's thread he explains everything
Yeah I learned it all from big A's old thread..........It's all the info you need to know on the subject. If you cant find the article PM BIG A and im sure he'll point you in the right direction.

Simply beware of cheap knock offs...........I went that route once and ended up With inflamation of the 7th cranial nerve and the left side of my face was paralyzed for a week........I was told by my doc who is a cool BB'er himself that the paralysis could have lasted up to 9 months.........I was lucky............Then I switch to Syntherol and never had a prob again.

Any Pump'n'pose shit you find thats not by the man himself could be dirty, cheap junk. Learn from my mistake.
Bump these replies but I also wanted to add that if you're serious about your diet and a fit lifestyle you probably won't be doing much drinking anyway. Drinking isn't going to help putting your body into an anabolic state and you'll want to start AAS soon after anyway...
Syntherol has ZERO toxic sides. It is not toxic to any organs. You can drink while using it, but remember, as said earlier, when you finish your 30 days on Syntherol you should be in an ideal anabolic environment, and that doesn't mix with alcohol.
I personally hate the idea of this stuff. I have never come across single person who looked good while doing this stuff.
38532nd said:
I personally hate the idea of this stuff. I have never come across single person who looked good while doing this stuff.

Your statement above shows how LITTLE you know about the subject!
I have always been able to spot a pro or amatuer who uses. Look at erine taylor/markus ruhl/derek anthony/quincy taylor/Guy Grundy shall I go on. They will never take top spots with oil enhancements.
38532nd said:
I have always been able to spot a pro or amatuer who uses. Look at erine taylor/markus ruhl/derek anthony/quincy taylor/Guy Grundy shall I go on. They will never take top spots with oil enhancements.

Uhmm, again, that shows how little you know about the subject. Everyone uses it, the examples you gave are just the ones that fucked up their usage.
I understand your point bro not looking to ruffle any feathers here but I'm just giving my opinion just like you are giving yours.I am looking to make friends here not enemies. Sorry if this offened you in any way I just feel it's not needed and takes away from the chiseled look of yester years
38532nd said:
I understand your point bro not looking to ruffle any feathers here but I'm just giving my opinion just like you are giving yours.I am looking to make friends here not enemies. Sorry if this offened you in any way I just feel it's not needed and takes away from the chiseled look of yester years

I am not offended at all. I am just pointing out flaws in what you say.

EVERYONE (pros and top amateurs) uses Syntherol. Read this about how it actually works:
not the bullshit that you read about it on other sites where people have no idea what it actually is and the examples of it's use that they give are acutally implant results.

Here's some results of pros that admit using it:

Also, Levrone and Flex both admitted to using it extensively. Hmm, Levrone had one of the best bodies EVER.
I will read up on it. I miss levrone I know he would have beat ronnie if he stayed on board. They were neck and neck for along time. Dam shame.
38532nd said:
I will read up on it. I miss levrone I know he would have beat ronnie if he stayed on board. They were neck and neck for along time. Dam shame.

Levrone was one of my all time favourites. I remember in '92 watching him when he did those photos in NY, leaning on his side - amazing detail.
But I don't remember any year when he could have won the O unfortunately.
Nasser should have won the '98 O, not Ronnie.
I disagree on nasser only cause he always looked flexed never had a relaxed pose. To me it looked like he had implants cause even when he was sleeping he was flexed.
I met up with both ronnie and levrone at the NOC in new york and they placed first and second. In the points levrone was just behind ronnie like jay and ronnie are now
Facts are Facts..........When you talk pro's Youre talking about guys that do whatever it takes to get the JOB done..........MY friend " he asked me not to name" Uses Syntherol. I do his injects. It's an art of sculpting. You get to fuck up. You do it right it looks natural and symetrical.

Bottom line it's great stuff and it's a personal choice Just like gear.