skinny guy trend.

Not only that Big Nick, it takes work to get buff! Dedication. It's a lot easier and inexpensive to get skinny. You don't have to go lift heavy ass weights and watch your diet. Being skinny you can just eat a few times a day and sit around if you have normal genetics. After your stomach shrinks you'll get used to it. With all the money you save you can go out and spend $70 on a cheap Abrachombie t-shirt made in some sweat shop in Pakistan by a boy chained to a table! I need to money for my member ship and the heath club and my $400 a week grocery bill. I'll tell you what, It took hard work to get where I am at, in HS I was 6'3" and 169. Now I'm tipping at around 250 and I want more!
Maybe that's why chicks like the skinny dudes, cuz they got the money to spend on them...
little big guy said:
Fight Club brad or Troy brad. He's actually prety yoked in Troy.
Fight club Brad, yeah I know he put on 20 for troy but he is still a little guy! 20 maybe brought him up to 165-170 if he was lucky. He is still a little guy.
To tell ya the truth, I didn't have a problem with chicks when I was skinny. I did when I was "skinny-fat" though. All you ecto's know about that!

And being tall has always been a plus :D
money is always the number one priority with girls unless its just a one night stand, which jacked guys get more of because they always get more attention at clubs/parties
dorian123 said:
you know what poof your not too far from the truth...
I use to be a stripper (yeah no shit) not the reviews but private parties
and when I did parties with sorority chicks or really drunk girls in their 30s that really was the way it was...
sometimes I had to do a party with another guy (they would order 2 guys)
and if the other guy was smaller than me the girls would use him as stand by because they wanted their pics taken with the buff not with Kid Rock

speaking of which-if neither was a celebrity and you stuck Kid Rock in the same room with The Rock who do you think would get more chicks? My point exactly

I stripped for private parties as well in college, and I has just started competing back then, so I was not huge yet, but I did get my share. Now, its different though. I am 200-205 for 8 months of the year and 265-270 for the rest of the time. It's part of the process for prep, but chicks don't dig big guys with muscle and some BF. Mostly of dirty looks I get at the gym are from the A/F guys. People just don't get how hard it is on the body and mind to do this over and over again year after year. Its not all about the AS but eating all the time and working your ass off in the gym..
well no offense to anyone here, but i don't where you live. But here in southern cali if you are too muscular some women will like it and some don't. But if you are ripped (fitness model look) unless you're queer you will get alot of puntang. i use to be skinny and girls would say yeah your nice but your too skinny or you need to put on some weight. now that i am 180lbs 7-8% i am pretty ripped. i go to the beach on the weekends walk around in jeans and no shirt on. there is no skinny guy who gets the looks i do. Unless the skinny guy has a really good looking face then girls will like him. Women think just like us bros, i mean would like really skinny girl, fat girl or a girl who has a fit body(like missfit). i don't want a the skinny or fat one. So it might be a fad in your area but here if you're ripped you well do well with the girls.