Slept for 14 hours yesterday til today


Staff member
I went to bed yesterday at 4pm and woke up today at 6:30 am. My body starting aching so fucking bad last night around 3am i guess from laying in bed too long! Cant remember the last time i slept for more then 5-6 hours at a time, crazy!!

I wasnt even tired yesterday, just bummed out, I know a little too much info,lol, but i was just mentally exhausted yesterday!
Wow, slept as much as 10 hours in one stretch from exhaustion. Got me beat!

In all honestly I never sleep more then 5-6 hours per night, and it pisses me off,lol, but this 14 hours as I stated was more about life around me at the moment, wifes preganant with twins, IRS is so far up my ass i can taste the pricks,lol, shit like that, enough crying i know,lol,
oh and the twins is a great thing, we tryed for years, its just the IRS money bullshit that got me
Best to you and your wife! No better feeling in the world than being a parent. Hear you about IRS, had past issues with them also. Hope you resolve that. Know your feelings only too well. Want to talk further get in touch. Good luck.
oh and the twins is a great thing, we tryed for years, its just the IRS money bullshit that got me
Man, I feel ya! Being a business owner is great, until the IRS comes. Im going through the same bullshit right now. I owe those fuckers a lot of money. And i didnt do it on purpose, it was a big mistake i made.
Then you hear all that bullshit on the radio about how the IRS is settling debts for .25 cents on the dollar. Bullshit! Maybe if you dont make any money. But if you make money, then you get penalized. Thats the wonderful system we have today. Penalize the folks that are making a living and creating jobs. But the people that are at home doing nothing to help society get a tax break.
Then to top it off, I severely break my ankle, as you know. I cannot work. Im struggling at the moment. But there are no breaks for me. My business was too successful prior to my injury. And I have to be disabled for more than a year to get any help.Its been 6 months now, and i still cant walk. Its going to be atleast 8 months. Thats a long fucking time to go with no income.
Anyway, sorry about stepping on your thread. I feel ya brother!
I just slept for 12 hours and I feel like a million bucks. I've also just pulled a very long and exhausting work week so it was much needed. Fuck the IRS, I'd take off lol
The IRS screwed me out of 5k last year. Couldn't get my damn ex-wife to sign the damn tax forms from when we were married and ended up having to file single instead of married. At least I'm done with all my past shit now.
I take an ambien and cant even sleep 8 hours, must be nice fawker! And you know too much info? is that possible, and if so, of what??? curious here
I just slept for 12 hours and I feel like a million bucks. I've also just pulled a very long and exhausting work week so it was much needed. Fuck the IRS, I'd take off lol

As in "Go On The Lam" ?? Is that what you mean,lol
I've noticed that this time of the year people tend to sleep more, could be from depression-could, also, be to try to boost your immunity system to fight colds

lots of theories

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I've noticed that this time of the year people tend to sleep more, could be from depression-could, also, be to try to boost your immunity system to fight colds

lots of theories
^^^^to boost immunities, never heard that but totally makes sense
Man, I feel ya! Being a business owner is great, until the IRS comes. Im going through the same bullshit right now. I owe those fuckers a lot of money. And i didnt do it on purpose, it was a big mistake i made.
Then you hear all that bullshit on the radio about how the IRS is settling debts for .25 cents on the dollar. Bullshit! Maybe if you dont make any money. But if you make money, then you get penalized. Thats the wonderful system we have today. Penalize the folks that are making a living and creating jobs. But the people that are at home doing nothing to help society get a tax break.
Then to top it off, I severely break my ankle, as you know. I cannot work. Im struggling at the moment. But there are no breaks for me. My business was too successful prior to my injury. And I have to be disabled for more than a year to get any help.Its been 6 months now, and i still cant walk. Its going to be atleast 8 months. Thats a long fucking time to go with no income.
Anyway, sorry about stepping on your thread. I feel ya brother!

its all good brutha!

I was on hold for 45 fucking minutes yesterday trying to talk to an IRS agent, then I get one and they put me on hold for another 5 minutes, doesnt sound like much but after waiting for 45 minutes I wanted to scream,lol!

Anyways the IRS was Very Happy to work with me for a Hefty Penalty , and Hefty Interest on Hefty Monthly Payments,lmao. It sucks balls but I feel so much more at ease since getting this shit out of the way, as it was literally keeping me up at night and on my mind all day long just eating at me,lol.

I remember when I was a kid my dad said "Presser, if theirs one thing I can pass down to you to learn, its DONT FUCK WITH THE IRS" lol, He really did tell me that but he didnt call me Presser,lol