Slight gyno


New member
I have done it all, nolva raloxifene letro etc. the gyno did get a serious reduction but this is as far as it goes. Mind you I'm bulking now, once I diet down for comp, will this fade somewhat? I also took this as the worst possible angle I could, other than that it's not too noticeable. A doctor told me it's too small to do surgery on.

My question is, will this slight gyno effect my performance at a comp? Kai Greene and Ronnie Coleman sported gyno way worse than that.

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Well it does not look that bad but the thing is the leaner u are it gets more visible , first of if u could tell how big is the lump like for example a button size or a marble , how long is it there for ? Is it prolactain induced or estro , if I were u I wouldn't stop using letro while on cycle so it won't get any bigger , if Ur using DECA or tren , get Ur hands on caberlogine ( dostinex / anti-p ) and see if that helps , hope it helps would still bump it for more experience lads ,
Well it does not look that bad but the thing is the leaner u are it gets more visible , first of if u could tell how big is the lump like for example a button size or a marble , how long is it there for ? Is it prolactain induced or estro , if I were u I wouldn't stop using letro while on cycle so it won't get any bigger , if Ur using DECA or tren , get Ur hands on caberlogine ( dostinex / anti-p ) and see if that helps , hope it helps would still bump it for more experience lads ,

It's not a lump, it's just puffiness. That's what I'm saying lol.

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Same nipple not noticeable. It depends on the angle, I've never had anyone say anything about it, I'm the only one noticing it but when I take it up close you can see it.

There are no lumps, I took care of lumps with nolva a while ago, it just seems the puffiness stayed.

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That was what I was thinking its just puffiness but as he said he showed it to Dr and Dr must've felt a lump or something that he told him its a gyno , that's the reason I'm asking him if he was using dostinex anti prolactain but still I don't know if he was using DECA or tren the two main prolactain culprits lol
That was what I was thinking its just puffiness but as he said he showed it to Dr and Dr must've felt a lump or something that he told him its a gyno , that's the reason I'm asking him if he was using dostinex anti prolactain but still I don't know if he was using DECA or tren the two main prolactain culprits lol

A doctor didn't tell me he felt lumps because there are no lumps, it's only subq tissue

I have already used caber and prami. It just stayed puffy.

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Bro that's just puffiness , what is Ur cycle stats well just want to know if Ur using tren or DECA if yes were u using any kind of anti prolactain
Bro that's just puffiness , what is Ur cycle stats well just want to know if Ur using tren or DECA if yes were u using any kind of anti prolactain

So if it's just puffiness does it go away on a cut? I don't use deca I use Tren here and there in small doses (200mg a week). Tren never caused this, this was from dbol.

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Well I do get puffiness when on cycle but it always go away while cutting or when off cycle but it never bothers me or something yo visable but with tren people do get paranoid lol but that's my personal experience of using gear myself or on me clients , let's see what others have to share , of I were u I don't get much botherd , I do know some frndand gym guys when getting puffiness or gyno symptoms they just don't stop touching there nipos lol which is a really bad idea lol and funny to watch too
So If for any reason Ur doing the same u should stop or if u have some freaky gf who won't stop playing with Ur nipps lol ask her to stay away from nipps too low

Just take it easy mate , arms look good by the way
Thanks man yeah the puffiness is only visible if I make it. Like by leaning down and flexing to create a sastruga effect lol. If I'm pumped and flexing you can't see shit. Thanks man made me feel better. For the record I don't play with my nipples lol

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Ur more than welcome bro , we all have been in situations while learning or educating ourselves that's y we ate all here for to help each other out everyday there is something to learn in this game , that's good u don't play with Ur nipps but trust me I've seen peeps my frnds they won't stop touching it when they get curious lol

Same nipple not noticeable. It depends on the angle, I've never had anyone say anything about it, I'm the only one noticing it but when I take it up close you can see it.

There are no lumps, I took care of lumps with nolva a while ago, it just seems the puffiness stayed.

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Can't notice it bro. Listen to what bleepinbloop posted.