So happy


Hardly a Newbie
Well ive been lifting, and i really havent seen me getting any bigger. I think i just look the same. I think i look tiny all the time. Well i ran into a few old class mates at the mall. And they said wow your getting huge.

This was the best compliment i have gotten. Since ive been working hard, and not feeling like im getting there.
No kidding, now that I'm "off cycle" I don't feel particularly big - more fat than anything else....but like you, friends and family that haven't seen me for a while are still freaking out when they see me. It's funny, back when I was 20 and running everyday I weighed 158 I'm usually hovering around the 240 mark and I'm still not satisfied - will this obcession with getting huge ever end??
Feels good when they say stuff like that doesn't it? In my mind I know how weak I look and all the body parts that are too small but it is nice to hear people say that. To me it gives me motivation to really get there. I think that when I get to about 250 I'll be happy. I used to think 240 or 245 would be good, but I'm no longer sure. I am so skinny compared to most guys at the gym. I feel like my arms are as thin as knife blades.
Yeah, it's definitely great getting compliments from other people when you are doubting your progress! I do think everyone should continuously take pics of themselves as you go along, though - really helps to somewhat objectively evaluate your progress, and make sure you're on the right track! I took pics 2 months apart (in the pics section now), and didn't think I'd made any progress (didn't expect to see anything really, either, since my weight was pretty constant and my test levels were low), but I did actually see small improvements (chest, back details), so confirmed that I'm not wasting my time. Also reaffirms that I need to work on my arms! Although, I did have one of the trainers at the gym comment on how big my arms were. I laughed and said they were tiny - or at least tiny in proportion with my back & shoulders. Still made me feel good!
WeirdAl. We've seen your pics, and believe me, you are the king of results and accomplishments. I admire the hell out of you for the progress you have made from your first pics..inspires me Bro.
Well, I think you're talking about the pics I emailed you from when I was ~265 lbs to 175 lbs - I don't have those posted... I'm talking the 2 sets of pics in my thread, but thanks! But if I hadn't taken my before pics, I wouldn't really be able to tell how far I've come. It's great to take pics, even if you're the only one who ever sees them!
And I still want to see your pics, badger! Gotta see the corn rows! :D
Ha Ha. I'll get them up soon. I'll burn the rest of the roll at Christmas and have them up soon afterwards. I'll take a couple more in case I've changed since the last ones. Gotta get the corn rows put in again.
If they're ok looking I might send them to the woman I just got back in touch with. taking it slow, but I always liked her. Who knows. She also went to school with my ex and me so, might be kinda akward for her. That's assuming she is interested in me like that.
i kinda feel like a cheat when i get complimented. this my first serious cycle and i've never been complimented or stared at this much before. oh well, it's good to be swole
I was the same way, when I 1st started my cycle. As I ran into friends and relatives they where like "Damn, your getting big as hell". I really didn't seem to notice it at all(even though the weight scale was going up), I felt really great when other people noticed it.