So many injecs, so few places


New member
If you're doing something like winny and prop, how do you get through that? I'd like to do some prop myself, but i think i'll just go with enan because i'll feel like a pin cushion. Not to mention weekly injecs of EQ on top of that.

I've used my delts and glutes, but never my quads. For those of you that have done a cycle like this, how did you do it? Did you mix your injecs together when you took them to cut down on the number, or what?

Will using your quads help a lot with being able to tolerate the frequency?
i rotate delts and glutes without any far as the winstrol goes, just drink it.
Quads are great bro, alot of area to hit and a great way to add some sites. I do quads, glutes, delts, and the occasional calf. Also think about what and how much is going where. If your doing 3ml you may want to stick to glutes and depending on your size, quads. 1-2ml delts and calves.

Prop is not what you'll have to worry about it's those damn winny shots. OWW!! (unless you have tabs)

I divide my glutes into 3 areas and my quads into 6 so even though I am hitting quads again after cycling through the other body parts, I won't really be in the same part of the muscle.
As far as mixing.. hell yeah!!! I plan it out and pack as much as I now I can handle for a given muscle group into one pin. No need to do a prop shot, get another pin, do a winny shot, get another pin, and do an EQ shot in one sitting. Mix 'em!!
Glutes, Quads, Delts, Tris, Inner Bis, Outter Bis.....that is the only way I can take ED painfull injections like that.
i always found it easy to hit quads and glutes and alternate let and right day to day... so in theory you'd only be shooting the same muscle once every 4 days, throw in detls and same muscle would get shot once every 6 days

and just drink your Winny
i don't agree with drinking your winny, everything taken orally gets passed through your body 2 times as opposed to 1 time with injecting.

and i like to shoot delts, quads, tri's, pecs...ed shots are no problem with this.
rear delts, medial(sp)delts, front delts, inner and outer heads of triceps, glute(at least 2 places), biceps(2 places),pecs. thats were i shoot never have done quad injects.
I go quads first, then its tricepts, then delts, then glutes. At EOD you're only hitting everything once every 8 days.
I do my Test Eth, EQ in my thighs and lately I've been doing my prop in my calves, the prop always gets sore but once you get walking around its not that bad.
2ml or more go in the quads or me. Small ones go chest, tris, and bis (occasional). My friend is in med school, and loves using me as a guinea pig, so when she's around I let her hit the hard to reach spots like traps and lats. You'll get used to ED, I thought I never would, now I'm on a 14wkr of ED's and love it, becomes like brushing your teeth in the morning, just another part of gettin ready in. I would drink the winny, jus tto save the clogging pain in the ass part, mix the rest in the same pin.