so pissed sometimes


New member
wherever going to work,school or public.people always talked shit about bodybuilding,you know....peolpe talked shit of what you eat,the clothings you wear,asking some stupid questions,even heard some skinny asses said why you get so big for? wasting time....bodybuilding is gay...??!! they don't understand,only you guys pissed....just want you guys share my feeling though.thank you
Yeah, I'm pretty good at dealing with the bs nowadays. Most are just pissed cuz when they take their shirts off they're just two nipples and a belly button. The rest of us have shit to show off :)
I Was Actualy Taking My Wife And Kid Out To Eat 2 Weeks Ago And The I Heard Some Kid Behind The Counter Ask "how U Get So Big" I Know He Was Talking To Me But I Played It Like I Didnt Hear Him So I Wouldnt Have To Get Into That God Awful Conversation People Drag Ya Into All The Time, So I Started Walking Away As If I Didnt Hear Him And This Bitch Says "steroids" Real Load, I Wanted To Spit On Her But Figured I Would Act Like I Idnt Hear That Either, It Still Gets To Me Sometimes But It Doesnt Get Me To React Like I Use To,
Another kid I work with and I talk about this all the time. People that aren't into lifting weights and eating right just don't get it. I work an 8-5 so I usually make all my meals in the morning and bring 3-4 meals with me during the day. People question me all the time about it. I got this comment a couple of days ago "If you want to get bigger, why don't you just go to the gym?" which I ignored. How do you answer that?
"If you want to get bigger, why don't you just go to the gym?" which I ignored. How do you answer that?
The people who say that are usually the ones who dont even know where to find a gym, let alone step foot in one. This world is boiling down to fat, lazy, slobs.
people talk shit all the time about the way i eat, i eat really clean 99% of the time. always in the kitchen shovin some veggies or chicken in my mouth. Ask the health nut or always wanting to talk dieting or lifting. Or why do you go to the gym 2 times a day, or who you tryin to impress, STFU!!!!!! I just sit there and eat my food and laugh while they shove bigmacs down their throat. One of the guys gf's seen me with my shirt off and was speechless, LMAO,,,, he isnt nuthing but a fuckin fatass. You wonder why i bust my ass in the gym??????? Take a look at your bf...... I just put my shirt on and walked out...... wish i could have known what she was thinkin,,,fuckin priceless!
the worst is when people think you're on even when you're not! People started talking behind my back last Spring when the weather started warming up because they saw me in less clothes for the first time and I hadn't been on a single thing other than glutamine in over a year. In the end I took it as a compliment but only after I set everyone straight that it was just hard work and discipline. Pisses me off that people think steroids make you big, they are just a supplement to the regimen we all need to follow, hard work in the gym is what makes you big.
I usually keep my shit covered up. When someone does accuse me of being "on"
I laugh and say "I'll take that as a compliment". Takes the wind right out of em.