Some feedback needed before I start my new cycle


New member
I am getting ready to start the Test Prop/Tren Ace. cycle. 1ml/100mg Test Prop eod and .50ml/50mg of Tren Ace. eod. for 12 weeks. I have never used either steroid before, so I would like to know, would there be a problem with kick starting the first week with 1ml of tren ace vs .50ml? I have heard that tren is very powerful, so I do not want to screw up. Any advice would be helpful.
MMMmmm i would run tren at 1ml eod for 8 weeks not 12 i think its to long ive read people taking for longer but sides are a big factor.
i preach this alot on here but make sure u got some anti p in stock before u think about it and run a low dose with the tren ..
3 months of night sweats and 4-5 hours sleep would send me mad but we are all different.
what i would say is go with 1ml and as it is a fast acting u can adjust to suit how u are feeling ect ect.
im sure other will chime in here but this is just my VIEW.
12 weeks is a long time to be on tren ace in my humble opinion brutha, i would use it the first 4-5 weeks and then the last 2 weeks to harden up at the end of the cycle
Def what Presser said, hell I wouldn't run it longer than 4 weeks to start off with.
You mean you guys don't run tren ace 6 months straight like gh15 said to do LOL. He's the god of hormones you know and you should do everything he says.
so the general consensus would be to run the tren ace for approx 4-6 weeks at 1ml per week and maybe reintroduce it at the end of the cycle for 1 or 2 weeks at the most. i am going to make an analogy hear and correct me if i am wrong. tren is the "nitrous oxide of steroids" when nitrous is added to any car engine it is going to kick the performance up a few notches. when tren is addes to a cycle it will do the same thing, but just like overdoing nitrous on your car will result in a blown engine, overdoing tren in a cycle will lead to a blown cycle. right or wrong?