some pics of me

lookin big as shit bro whats your weight? and height. Damn good size wheels look great too.
Everytime I think Im looking better I look at one of you monster's pics and feel... well belittled. Just kidding, well not completely. Impressive size bro.
Get_Swole said:
lookin big as shit bro whats your weight? and height. Damn good size wheels look great too.

5'10 250lbs, looking to be somewhere anround 280lbs or more in 5-6 months and then cut from there and step on stage.
Get_Swole said:
nice man lookin great youll get there. Will this be your first show?

I have only done one show, over 8 years ago, April 2000. I wieghed in at 154lbs.
some more pics from the same day, im bigger now but going to wait a month or so before I release some updated ones.