Some pre contest tips --- not your normal tips...


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
This is for some of the newbie's who plan on competing for the first time, or guys who have only done a show or two. I will do a series of these, that will be tips to help your prep out, most of it comon sense, but some will be stuff you didnt think about or even knew about. Here is my first tip....

Have your shit together --what does that mean....??? It means have all your gear ready in advance. That means whatever your plan on running, test, deca, dbol, hgh, anavar, tren ace, test means have it all ready to go at 12-16 weeks out. Dont buy it as your going along in your show, becasue something will come up, or you wont have the money, ect, ect. Something will really screw up, and you wont be able to get it...For some guys, this isnt that big of a deal, cause they will just run anything and not know any better. But, for guys that are serious and want to compete on a national level, then this is a pretty big deal. Know what your plan on doing, get it all added up, then save up the money and have it all ready to go at 12-15,16 weeks out.

So if you plan on running hgh at 5 ius 5 on and 2 off for 10 weeks then you need to have, 2 and half kits ready to go. If you plan on running it for 15 weeks then you need 3 and 3/4 of a kit or 375iu's...its all simple math, add it all up, get your funds together, and go to the country its legal to get, and do your prep.

This is something that is very simple and should be one of the first things you think of. Just like food, and supplements you should have it all ready to go when you plan to start your prep....

As someone who helps train people, it drives me freakin INSANE, if I tell you, that you need this, this and this..and when it comes to run so and so, you say to me, I dont have it yet, or my buddy cant get it, or worse it, I dont have the money to run it. (Well then TELL me in the beggining, so I can make other plans) If your training knows you can only afford so much, he can work with you. Trust me, any trainer that knows his stuff can work around any situation you give him. But he will hate it, when you say at the start you have it all, then when it's time to run that super supplement and you tell him well I had to pay my truck payment, so little joey is running it now...Well that just pisses him off...

so the lesson for today is ....this contest prep is EXPENSIVE. So plan ahead, and have it ready to go early. If not, let your trainer or person who is helping you know in advance. Do not tell him at the last minute...If you have no plan then you plan on failing....its as simple as that....

Next lesson....Plan on doing the correct be succesful....why ??? I guess you will need to read to find out....
Very cool read Chris!! And very good information for those wanting to compete! Im looking forward to reading your next installment on picking the right show, which is a bigger deal then most would think
Chris died recently. Please correct me if I am mistaken but that is definitely the right one. I remember him from pro muscle.

Great information bro and if I may ( IF YOU ARE WORKING WITH ANY TRAINER REMEMBER YOU ARE A DIRECT REFLECTION OF THEM). I have dropped guys 3 weeks out from a show because they wouldn't stick to the plan!