Some Pressing for presser :) Bench 4 Days

My coaches:
Zac Whalen
Jim Phillips
Derek Wade
All have pro totals and thats who i get my advice from

I have also Benched with and had coaching from Brandon Lilly, Chad Wesley Smith, and Jimmie Pacifico (who I discuss training with regularly)

The federations that I have to worry about are: XPC, SPF, RPS, IPA. and again I am worried about a pro total (in general over the next two years) and currently getting my bench qualifier for the XPC Arnold Classic.

As for the world / all time records for squat and deadlift... not a concern of mine. My concern is beating my own PRs and working towards that PRO total. :)

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As for the high bar position. Even the Lilliebridges used a high bar squat for a long time, they just transitioned to the low bar squat recently if I am not mistaken (being that we are talking about the pros... its not unhread of. I am more comfertable there and have played with low and high bar. If I do go for a low bar squat, it would be something I slowly work towards.
Yep, I'm familiar with all those guys and you are in good hands. All my statements were just suggestions. Again, I wasn't trying to be argumentative or a dick haha, I just got a little over zealous because there is rarely any raw pling talk on this board :)

Yeah, I know Eric switched to low bar and added about 75lbs to his squat which was already 875+ in a year just from the improved leverages.
Yep, I'm familiar with all those guys and you are in good hands. All my statements were just suggestions. Again, I wasn't trying to be argumentative or a dick haha, I just got a little over zealous because there is rarely any raw pling talk on this board :)

Yeah, I know Eric switched to low bar and added about 75lbs to his squat which was already 875+ in a year just from the improved leverages.

I didn't think you were being a dick brother, I love that people are passionate about this stuff and take a passion and interest.

I will be starting a permanent thread here...

Tonight unfortunately I back slide... my buddy just got back from afghanistan and we will get hammered
it must happen.
I didn't think you were being a dick brother, I love that people are passionate about this stuff and take a passion and interest.

I will be starting a permanent thread here...

Tonight unfortunately I back slide... my buddy just got back from afghanistan and we will get hammered
it must happen.
hey man we all do it every now and then, having a good time with friends is part of living. Get back on track tomorrow and have a good time.
I didn't think you were being a dick brother, I love that people are passionate about this stuff and take a passion and interest.

I will be starting a permanent thread here...

Tonight unfortunately I back slide... my buddy just got back from afghanistan and we will get hammered
it must happen.
Cool man, glad to have you and I just wanted to be clear since message boards aren't the clearest medium for communicating.

I'm looking forward to your thread. My main point was that perhaps we have a different attitude. When I see you, I see someone who needs to find "their" technique for the squat and perhaps just add some volume to their accessory work to bring up the deadlift. You see this taking a long time, but it may not - truly.
You guys are nuts. I have tremendous respect for powerlifters. I couldn't do it. That shit takes a lot of balls. I can't even watch it. It gives me flashbacks to all the tears and injuries I've had
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465 off a two board. Not bad baseline for right now. The 460 went up fairly rough so I was pleased with the 465 and stopped there (we try not to fail any lifts)
Trying to figure out my cycle. Right now I am just Test E 500mg/week

I wanna keep it low, and am going to do a very different non traditional PL cycle (usually it would be test / tren / and an oral -- like anadrol). But I am going to play with
and T-bol / M1T

Don't have any experience with T-bol or M1T and none with EQ either.

My last cycle for the meet I did where I threw up 470 i did Test / Tren E / Halo / Cheque Drops (preworkout)
If you had the following:
Test E
and Tbol

how would you design your cycle keeping dosages low. Anyone play with cycling the compounds, I am training for a qualifier for the Arnold Classic, and then training for the Arnold Classic itself (Power Lifting). Yes my choice of compounds is weird for PL (get over it).

I want to keep dosages low and maybe bridge my compounds.

July - Test / EQ
Aug - Test / EQ / Tbol
Sept - Test / EQ / Tbol
oct - Test / EQ / Tbol / M1T
Compete qualifier

November - December test 500mg/week
January - Feb Test 750mg/week
Febuary - March test/ Tren / Anadrol. (I hate how i feel when I do this but strong as a bull, and my boobs hate me lol).

After the Arnold ile see a doctor for PCT.