some thoughts on tren


New member
Just thought I would check in and give an update on my tren acetate/test prop cycle. I started off my cycle by using 1ml/tren acetate and 1ml test prop eod. For me personally, the tren kicked the crap out of me. The injections were painful and the sides were brutal. I got off the tren and went with just test prop 1.5ml/eod and felt fantastic. Test prop is probably my favorite test. But I was curious about the tren, so I got back on .05/ml eod and still couldn't deal with the sides. If I drank one cup of coffee, I felt like my heart was going to come out of my chest. I decided tren was not for me, but test prop is awesome. I also tried shooting the tren in one of my quads and crippled myself for 2 weeks. The same thing happened when I tried shooting my delts. I have been shooting the test prop., test cyp and b12 in my delts and have had no problems at all. I think for future cycles I am going to stick strictly to test, whether it sust., prop. or cyp.
Just thought I would check in and give an update on my tren acetate/test prop cycle. I started off my cycle by using 1ml/tren acetate and 1ml test prop eod. For me personally, the tren kicked the crap out of me. The injections were painful and the sides were brutal. I got off the tren and went with just test prop 1.5ml/eod and felt fantastic. Test prop is probably my favorite test. But I was curious about the tren, so I got back on .05/ml eod and still couldn't deal with the sides. If I drank one cup of coffee, I felt like my heart was going to come out of my chest. I decided tren was not for me, but test prop is awesome. I also tried shooting the tren in one of my quads and crippled myself for 2 weeks. The same thing happened when I tried shooting my delts. I have been shooting the test prop., test cyp and b12 in my delts and have had no problems at all. I think for future cycles I am going to stick strictly to test, whether it sust., prop. or cyp.

what kind of sides did ya get from the tren? and ive never heard of painful tren ace, that kind of sucks cause those two combned are amazing for me. Propionate is also my favorite. and what was the dose per ml of each the prop and tren ace? 100mg/ml prop and 100mg/ml tren?
Yeah I would like to know sides too. Ive tried several diff companies tren and never had any of them be painful.
I made 200mg per ml Tren before and it wasn't painful. I know all about the other sides though. I used to love Tren when I was younger, now I can not tolerate it. I just feel awful, depression, anxiety, mood swings, insomnia, profuse sweating. Its a shame
That blows man because that's an awesome combo, I'd say my favorite in fact. I've had some irritation at the site before with tren but nothing like you're describing though. Only sides I have with tren is night sweats and an occasional bp spike. The first time I used it I did have some anxiety but never since.
Sounds like the BA % was too high. An occasional cough after inject (which sucks ass) is not so uncommon but the pain more then likely is a high BA percent. If it was a Tren/Prop blend dosed at 100mg each, some pain is common but not too bad. The sides are another issue, tolerance levels vary from person to person so that is understandable. Hate to hear it, I love tren, Tren A/Tren E, love em...
the tren was tren ace 100mg/ml and the prop was 100mg/ml. both products were kalpa, which I have nothing but good things to say about their testosterones. the sides were numerous; profuse sweating (both day and night), pain at injection sites, loss of appetite and fatigue (when I was at the 1ml eod dose), dreams, reduced cardio, a weird stink that I still haven't figured out what part of my body it was coming from, my heart pounding, tren cough and itching and redness at the injection site. the second I got off the stuff and just used the prop, I felt fantastic. I wondered if the stuff I got was junk. the one positive that I did see, was after two weeks on the eod 1ml dose my body looked harder and more defined. like I said before, maybe at 50 yoa, I am too old to tolerate the stuff. yet high doses of test don't bother me.
Damn that's a hell of a list of nasty sides! It could be bad gear but the changes in your body say otherwise. You can try another source if you're really curious or brave LOL!
Yep same here with Tren....jumped back on it after 6months off for two weeks and felt horrible not to mention the "mean eric" came out my wife said......she called me on it...."ok what are you taking that's different"...... I kind of blew her off but then back to back days of going off on a few strangers and I knew, damn that Tren.......not to forget blood pressure issue and heart pounding......happy wife, happy life.....I am going to miss you my friend Tren.......
Yep same here with Tren....jumped back on it after 6months off for two weeks and felt horrible not to mention the "mean eric" came out my wife said......she called me on it...."ok what are you taking that's different"...... I kind of blew her off but then back to back days of going off on a few strangers and I knew, damn that Tren.......not to forget blood pressure issue and heart pounding......happy wife, happy life.....I am going to miss you my friend Tren.......

Lmao @ mean Eric lol your wife's way too important to disappoint so I would have trashed my friend tren to lol